Page 40 - Insurance Times January 2024
P. 40
and even have windows, as long as they comply by fire proof / resistant doors & walls, compartmentalization
accurately with their respective time protection grade. by wall, means of exits, travel distance, self-glowing exists
These doors should also be clearly labelled as 'fire doors' on exit path and signage systems.
for evacuation purposes and fitted with a self-closing
mechanism in order to ensure the integrity of the Objectives of Passive Provisions:
building's compartmentalization. In addition, the area 1. Accessibility and reaching the fire seat immediately;
between the door and the frame must be sealed with
2. Immediate containing the spread of fire;
cold smoke seals.
3. To give insulation effects against the fire, resistance to
Installation of Sprinkler System heat penetration;
4. To provide sufficient number of stairs for exits;
A high pressure sprinkler system can reduce the impact of a
fire - and without requiring much water. In fact, they're 5. To enhance the integrity and stability of the building at
reported to reduce injuries by up to 80% and reduce the time of construction;
property damage by up to 90%. 6. To provide protected means of escape from the
Regular assessing Fire Risk in Hospitals 7. To maximize time of safety - considering the actual time
In order to fully comply with the latest fire safety regulations, requiring for evacuation.
hospitals need to conduct regular fire risk assessments
(FRAs) through an independent, efficient, professional Basic Components - Building access: Approach road to the
assessor during the construction phase first and subsequently building premises, its main entrance gate and its width.
at least once in every year during its operational stage. Open space around the building to use emergency vehicles
During an FRA, a qualified assessor will review current such as special ladder and rescue vehicles.
fireproofing measures and identify all potential fire risks to
the buildings. Their final assessment will provide a Building material selection and construction: Use of non-
comprehensive overview of the current state of fire safety combustible materials, fire resistant treatment by coating
in the building and also end on elaborately reporting about or dipping and use less smoke emitting materials.
what needs to be done to improve and bring it in line with
Regulations stipulated in ISI/National Building Codes. Building design: To be well ventilated, with provision of
explosion vents, designing and dividing big floor area in to
Passive Provisions: small area by providing effective fire barriers walls, so that
fire may be contained in the place of origin, which is known
Here, 'PASSIVE' means it is building plan and design oriented. as compartmentalization by walls, providing enough exits
Any deficiency in the planning and at the design stage will for easy evacuation and natural smoke ventilation
definitely affect the architecture and the construction value provisions.
of the building during fire. If the type of construction and
the using construction materials are proper, the building
Building construction fire rating: Using of materials for
itself or by virtue of its design with construction materials
will react & resist with the fire propagation in such a way construction should have the fire rating of minimum from
that it will not allow to spreading of fire flames and its other two hours to maximum four hours.
fire products of heat, smoke toxic substances and fumes
Building maintenance: Building should be maintained with
from the origination point to adjacent room or other floors
good working condition of fire-fighting equipment's, liberal
or to the other adjacent buildings. At the same time the space provision of life safety requirements and integration
building having the ability to reduce the size or volume of of passive safety measure with automatic active fires safety
the fire and its products should always be the preferred risk measures.
to the fire underwriters under their portfolios.
The basic elements for consideration Means of Egress or Escape routes: The escapes routes are
to be constructed by high fire resisting materials.
Fire door, fire resistant wall, fire damper/ fire seals, Minimum thirty minutes safety time for evacuation:
segregation of hazardous areas from non-hazardous ones Required for quick easy evacuation during fire, low
36 January 2024 The Insurance Times