Page 37 - The Insurance Times August 2024
P. 37

Admiralty Judge Mr. Justice David Steel made considerable  opportunity of regaining possession (as was the case for the
          reference to the general situation of piracy in Somalia both  "Bunga Melati Dua").
          in relation to "Bunga Melati Dua" as well as other vessel
          seizures, taking into consideration past cases as well as  The judge commented as follows: "The short answer, in
          market intelligence and the defendants’ expert evidence.  my judgment, is that an assured is not irretrievably deprived
          Steel J. reported that the trend showed that the property  of property if it is legally and physically possible to recover
          was likely to be released, probably within short order, after  it (and even if such recovery can only be achieved by
          a ransom payment. In fact the "Bunga Melati Dua", her  disproportionate effort and expense)."
          crew and cargo were released less than 6 weeks after the
          initial seizure of the vessel (and only 11 days after the On appeal, the claimant continued its argument
          claimants had submitted their notice of abandonment).  that
                                                              (i) capture by pirates created an immediate ATL, whatever
          In relation to the ransom, Mr Justice Steel noted that
                                                                 the prospects of recovery might be, and
          ransom payments were not illegal under English law. So far
                                                              (ii) the law would not or could not take into account the
          as being contrary to public policy argument, he referred to
          ‘Fender v St John Mildmay’ (1938) quoting Lord Atkin: "the  payment of a ransom as a relevant and legitimate
                                                                 reason for calculating the possibility of recovery of the
          doctrine should only be invoked in clear cases in which the
          harm to the public is substantially incontestable and does
          not depend upon the idiosyncratic inferences of a few judicial
          minds".                                             Lord Justice Rix, giving judgment for the Court of Appeal,
                                                              disagreed, holding that:
                                                                 ... piratical seizure in the circumstances of this case,
          The court was "wholly unpersuaded" that payment of
                                                                 where there was not only a chance, but a strong
          ransom was contrary to public policy. Although ransom
                                                                 likelihood, that payment of a ransom of a comparatively
          payments made further hijackings more likely, there were
                                                                 small sum, relative to the value of the vessel and her
          few other alternatives and if the payment of ransom was
          contrary to public policy, the well-established ‘Kidnap and  cargo, would secure recovery of both, was not an actual
                                                                 total loss”.
          Ransom’ policies sold in the London insurance market would,
          in effect, be unenforceable.                           It was further held that it was not an irretrievable
                                                                 deprivation of property, but rather a wait and see
          As a consequence, the claimants failed in their claim for  situation.
          actual and constructive total loss.                    It  laid  down  fundamental  guidance  as  to  the
                                                                 circumstances in which public policy could be invoked
          To  succeed,  a  claimant  needs  to  show  they  were  by a court.
          "irretrievably deprived" of the cargo. In deciding against
          cargo claimants, Steel J. concluded the cargo owners were  In citing the guidance established by the Court in Fender,
          not irretrievably deprived of the cargo because there was  the Court of Appeal reiterated that, when determining
          reasonable hope that the cargo could be recovered. Further,  public policy:
          although the cargo owners lost possession, they retained  ... the doctrine should only be invoked in clear cases in
          title to their property and the fact that negotiations started  which  the  harm  to  the  public  is  substantially
          so soon after the seizure of the vessel and cargo, supported  incontestable  and  does  not  depend  upon  the
          the proposition that the cargo was neither irretrievably lost  idiosyncratic inferences of a few judicial minds’.
          nor that a total loss was inevitable.
                                                              Rix LJ also noted that Parliament had intervened by way of
          Furthermore, ‘Dean v Hornby’ case was not applicable.  repeal of the Ransom Act 1782, which in any event only
          Although viewed in isolation, that decision might be seen  outlawed the payment of a ransom in respect of British ships
          to support the claimants’ argument. The post-seizure events  taken by the King’s enemies. Notwithstanding legislative
          in that case were protracted and complicated, and the ship  intervention, the Court of Appeal noted, as had Steel J, and
          was never restored to her owners, nor did they have the  by way of reference to the decision in Royal Boskalis

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