Page 17 - The Insurance Times November 2024
P. 17

According to a Reuters report, policy  PM Modi launches Ayushman Bharat Health Insur-
         and  claims  documents  containing
         names, phone numbers, addresses, tax  ance scheme for senior citizens above 70 years
         details, copies of ID cards, test results,  Every citizen aged 70 and above will receive free hospital treatment across
         and medical diagnoses were publicly  the country through the Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card under the Ayushman
         accessible via chatbots on Telegram.  Bharat health insurance scheme, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
         "If the 7.24-terabyte figure is accu-  Recently, the government expanded the Ayushman health insurance scheme
         rate, it will be massive, almost like the  to include all individuals above this age threshold, irrespective of their fi-
         country's data. If data of 31 million  nancial status. Modi emphasised the card's inclusive nature, indicating that
         people has been breached, then that's  it would be available to all income groups, regardless of whether they are
         a huge problem," said Pankit Desai,  from poorer, middle, or upper-class backgrounds. The initiative aims to re-
         founder    of   Mumbai     based     duce out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for families and improve access to
         cybersecurity firm Sequretek.        healthcare for the elderly.
         The Chennai-based company did not    However, the scheme has yet to be implemented in Delhi and West Bengal,
         respond to question, although an offi-  excluding elderly residents in those states from its benefits, he said. This
         cial stated that a detailed statement  initiative aligns with the government's ongoing efforts to enhance health
         would be released soon. Though the   coverage through the Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
         hacker claimed that a company official  (AB-PMJAY), which aims to safeguard vulnerable groups from healthcare
         shared the data, cyber experts indicate  costs.
         that this may not be factual. A hacker  The Union Cabinet's recent decision to extend health coverage under the
         named xenZen its reportedly behind
                                              AB PM-JAY to all senior citizens aged 70 and above is set to benefit over 6
         the leak.
                                              crore elderly individuals across India. This expansion of the government’s
         "In the insurance sector, you work with  flagship health insurance scheme aims to provide broader and more inclu-
         many third parties, such as insurtech  sive healthcare coverage.
         companies, data management firms,    Health experts have highlighted the potential positive impact of the initia-
         system administration players, and
                                              tive on India's elderly population and stress the importance of sustainable
         health check companies. Data  ex-    practices for its success.
         change happens across systems in
         many forms and formats. A gap in
         someone else's system can also be-  This new option offers benefits that  With these plans, policyholders make
         come your problem," Desai added,   simplify long-term healthcare planning  a  one-time  premium  payment  or
         emphasising that the company should  and make it more cost-effective.  choose a payment schedule, securing
         immediately reach out to users who  “This extended coverage allows cus-  consistent coverage over several years
         may be affected.                                                      without the need for annual renewals.
                                            tomers to lock in premiums for a longer
         Experts also note that since the data  period, providing protection against  This approach helps them avoid yearly
         is already available on third-party net-  rising healthcare costs. Additionally, in-  premium hikes and reduces the hassle
         works, there may he little the company  surers are offering discounts on these  of frequent renewals.
         can do now.                        multi-year policies, making long-term
                                            coverage more affordable than ever.
         Multi-year health insur-           With reduced renewal frequency, this            Join
                                            option is especially convenient for NRIs
         ance now available for up                                                 Online Certificate
                                            and frequent travelers seeking hassle-
         to five years with locked          free, reliable health insurance," said      Course on
         premiums and discounts             Siddharth Singhal, Head of Health In-
                                            surance at Policybazaar.
         Policyholders can now secure multi-                                     Motor Insurance
         year health insurance plans with cov-  For the unversed, multi-year health in-
         erage up to five years, expanding from  surance is a policy that provides cov-  For details please visit
         the previous limit of three years, ac-  erage for an extended term, instead
         cording to Policybazaar.           of the traditional annual renewal.
                                                                           The Insurance Times  November 2024  15
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