Page 19 - The Insurance Times November 2024
P. 19

hands with 2-3 banks to expand its  policies will see a fall in returns on both  immediate changes,  the effect on
         business in low-cost bancassurance  bonus-paying, or participating (par),  participating policies, which  offer
         distribution networks and hopes to  and  non-participating  (non-par)  bonuses, will be reflected in the next
         generate Rs 300 crore in new premium  products,  as  insurers  prepare  to  couple  of  years.  Bonus  rates  are
         business by exploring multiple offline  implement new guaranteed surrender  expected to drop over the long term,
         distribution channels, reports Sarthak  value rules starting October 1.  according to industry experts.
         Ganguly.                           While the new regulations will allow  "The  spread  between  G-Sec

         As part of this strategy, Bandhan Life  policyholders to get a  guaranteed  (government bond) rates from the
         announced  its  partnership  with  surrender value from the first year  10th to 30th year varies, and this poses
         Bandhan Bank to distribute its life  even if they have paid only one annual  risks in providing policyholders with G-
         insurance products.                premium - it was after the second year  Sec credit as surrender value. Over
                                            previously - the returns will be lower  time, this could decrease bonus rates
         Bandhan Life MD & CEO Satishwar B
                                            for those holding policies longer: a 0.3-  for par policies along with nonpar,"
         said, "In the first year of operations,
                                            0.5 percentage-point fall in returns for  said  an  executive  of  a  listed  life
         we expect to generate Rs 300 crore in
         new premium business. Our current  non-par policyholders and a lower  insurance company. "There could be a
         assets under management stand at Rs  bonus payout in case of par policies.  30-50 basis point (0.3-0.5 percentage
         4,500 crore."                      The  insurance  regulator  has     point) reduction in non-par  rates,
                                            prescribed enhanced special surrender  which will be seen immediately."
         Bandhan Life Insurance has announced
                                            value where the surrender value will  Though government bond rates have
         a partnership with Bandhan Bank to
                                            be payable earliest in the first year,  fallen from 7.10% to 6.8% in the last
         distribute  life  insurance  products
                                            even if the policy is surrendered during  four months, insurers have so  far
         through its 1,700 branches. Initially,  the first year after paying the first
         around 550 branches will offer two new  annual premium.               maintained the internal rate of return
         products tailored for Bandhan Bank                                    (IRR) on their products. However, the
         customers. The company expects to  While  non-par  products  will  see  new rules will likely push companies to
         generate Rs 300 crore in new premium
         business within the first year and plans
         further expansion.                   Private Life Insurers Consider New Commission
         ICICI Prudential Life Tops           Following recent revisions to surrender value norms, private sector life

         with       99.35%        Claim       insurers are preparing to adjust commission structures for distributor
                                              channels, based on persistency metrics.
         Settlement Ratio
                                              Top executives from leading life insurance firms are set to meet next week
         ICICI  Prudential  Life  Insurance,  a  with the Life Insurance Council, an industry association, to establish a uniform
         leading private sector life insurer, has  commission framework, according to people familiar with the matter. Their
         declared its claim settlement ratio of  objective is to maintain consistency in commission payments across the
         99.35 per cent for the June quarter of  industry and mitigate disruption for distributors.
         FY25, which was the highest among all
         public  and  private  life  insurance  Options under consideration include clawbacks, commission deferrals, and
         companies in the country. The average  outright reductions. For large corporate agents - such as banks and non-
         turnaround time taken by ICICI Pru Life  banking financial companies - insurers are leaning toward clawbacks, while
                                              for individual agents, a mix of commission deferral and reductions based on
         to settle a death claim was 1.2 days in
         the same period. The company settled  persistency is likely, according to industry insiders. This overhaul, expected
                                              to unfold over the next two to three months, is being negotiated between
         2,911 claims in Q1 FY25.
                                              private insurers and distributors.
         Life  Insurance  Policy              "We are in various stages of operationalizing the commercial changes with
                                              our partners. We have adopted tailored solutions, including commission
         Returns to Decline Due to            deferrals, reduction of clawback depending on persistency track record, and

         New Surrender Rules                  partner preferences," said Vibha Padalkar, MD & CEO, HDFC Life Insurance,
                                              in an analyst call, following the company's Q2 result announcement.
         Holders of traditional life insurance

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