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order  to  choose a surveyor/loss  assessor,  the  State  About the case
          Commission  remitted  the  case  back  to  the  District  The Supreme Court has noted that a government servant
          Commission. But once more, the District Commission  receives a pension in lieu of their devoted service when
          rejected  the  complaint.  In  order  to  challenge  the  awarding a pension to a government employee under the
          complaint's dismissal, the complainant went to the State  Gujarat Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2022. Furthermore,
          Commission.                                         for the person or people looking for government work,
                                                              pensions are frequently a major factor.
          The State Commission stated that the Complainant's
          residence sustained considerable damage in June 2013 as a  The appellant in this case worked for the government. He
          result of floods, land erosion, and slides in District Kinnaur.  began his career in the Gandhinagar Postal Division as a
          The insurance company failed to hire a surveyor in a timely  postal assistant for the federal government. His selection
          manner, causing the damage to occur on multiple occasions  for  the  Senior  Assistant  position  in  the  Gujarati
          and making it impossible to provide an accurate time of  government's Ministry of Health and Medical Services
          claim notification. The State Commission found that the  occurred during his job. Importantly, in order to take part
          insurance firm was accountable for deficiency in service and  in the selection process, the appellant had also secured a
          unfair trade practice since it was unlawful to reject the claim  No-Objection Certificate. Thus, the Appellant quit to take
          on the  basis  of  delayed  notice,  given  the  facts  and  the latter position after working as a postal assistant for
          circumstances. As a result, the State Commission rejected  around ten years.
          the District Commission's ruling.The State Commission then
          ordered the insurance provider to give the complainant a  Additionally, the appellant worked as a senior assistant for
          total of Rs. 7,90,000/-. Additionally, the Complainant was  23 years starting on August 18, 1993.When the State
          to get an extra payment of Rs. 50,000/-as litigation costs.  government compensated the Appellant exclusively for his
                                                              work as a Senior Assistant-rather than as a Postal Assistant-
                                                              the disagreement started. The High Court dismissed the
          "Pension Plan Needs To Be Read Broadly":            challenge to this suit. Hence, the current appeal. It is crucial
          Supreme  Court  Approves  Central                   to note Rule 25(ix) of the aforementioned Pension Rules
          Government  Service  To  Be  Included  In           before proceeding. It states that "services rendered under
                                                              Central Government/Central Government Autonomous
          Gujarat Government Employees Pension.               bodies having pension scheme by a Government employee
          Case Title: VINOD KANJIBHAI BHAGORA vs. THE         who is absorbed in Government" qualifies as service
                                                              performed by a government employee.
          STATE OF GUJARAT., Diary No.- 23474 - 2018
                                                              The appellant contended that after working for the federal
                                                              government, he was absorbed by the state government. He
          The Supreme Court has ruled that a government servant  must therefore receive pension benefits in accordance with
          receives a pension in lieu of their devoted service when  the aforementioned rule. Contrarily, the Respondent State
          awarding a pension to a government employee under the  argued that the Appellant had no right to pursue the
          Gujarat Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2022. The appellant,  Pension Rules' benefits.The Appellant, a former employee
          a former employee of the federal government, worked for  of the central government, would be eligible for the benefit
          the Gujarati government's Ministry of Health and Medical  if (i) the employment had an underlying pension scheme and
          Services and was selected for the Senior Assistant position.  (ii) the State Government absorbed him, the Court remarked
          The  State  government  compensated  the  appellant
                                                              after reviewing the relevant provision.
          exclusively for his work as a Senior Assistant, leading to a
          disagreement. The Supreme Court ruled that the appellant  Taking this as a clue, the Court noted that there was no
          would be eligible for the pension benefits if the employment  doubt about the pension plan at the Appellant's previous
          had  an  underlying  pension  scheme  and  the  State  job. The Court noted that the interpretation of the pension
          Government absorbed him. The Court concluded that the  scheme should not be restricted and restrictive when
          State Government implicitly absorbed the appellant, and  addressing the question of whether the State Government
          the High Court erred in interpreting Rule 25(ix) of the  absorbed the Appellant. It is well-established that the
          Pension Rules, unfairly depriving the appellant of their right  pension plan or plans offered by the State Government are
          to  have  their  time  spent  working  for  the  Central  a component of advantageous legislation that has been
          Government included in their "qualifying service." The Court  delegated, and as such, they should be interpreted broadly
          ordered the State to recalculate pension benefits and pay  as long as it doesn't conflict with the Pension Rules' explicit
          any arrears in line with the new figures.           provisions.

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