Page 6 - Banking Finance December 2020
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         Launched in 2016, it had crossed 1 bil-  has enough liquidity to pay back the  "To support the ongoing efforts aimed at
         lion transactions for the first time in  depositors," he said during a confer-  global integration of Indian financial
         October 2019. While it took UPI three  ence call.                     markets, facilitate India's efforts to de-
         years to reach a billion transactions in  He added that all LVB employees will  velop international financial centers, and
         a month, the next billion came in just  retain their jobs at the same remu-  to provide wider payment flexibility to
         a year.                                                               domestic corporates and institutions, it
                                            neration after the merger. "Will try to
         UPI has rebounded sharply from its fall  ensure there is no shortage of cash at  has been decided to make available the
                                                                               RTGS system round-the-clock on all
         in April, when it recorded 0.99 billion  any bank branches," said Manoharan,
         transactions as the pandemic-induced  adding that there has been no run on  days," said the Statement on Develop-
         lockdown forced people to cut spend-  deposits in the bank.           mental and Regulatory Policies.
         ing. Since then, transactions have  According to the RBI scheme, on and  In December last year, the National
         more than doubled, despite the     from the appointed date, the entire  Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) sys-
         economy witnessing a contraction in  amount of the paid-up share capital  tem was made available on a
         the first quarter.                                                    24x7x365 basis.
                                            and reserves and surplus, including the
                                            balances in the share or securities pre-  Mahesh Ramamoorthy, Managing Di-
         LVB has enough liquidity
                                            mium account of the transferor bank,  rector, Banking Solutions, Interna-
         to pay back depositors:            will stand written off. The promoters  tional Market, APAC, FIS, said the move
         Administrator                      hold 6.80 per cent of the equity capi-  would enable India to become an in-
                                                                               tegral part of the global financial mar-
         The terms of the amalgamation of   tal while the balance is held by retail  kets and provide wider payment elas-
         Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) with DBS  and big investors.                 ticity to domestic companies and insti-
         Bank have upset stock investors, lead-  "We believe a merger would be ben-  tutions.
         ing to a 20 per cent crash in LVB shares  eficial for DBS Bank as it would be able  "The RBI initiative will also enable al-
         to Rs 12.40 on the BSE. The Adminis-  to grow business in the south … In this  most all businesses to operate 24X7,
         trator appointed by the Reserve Bank  merger, shareholder of LVB will not get  with a payment system that supports
         of India (RBI) for LVB, T N Manoharan,  any benefit," said Jaikishan Parmar,  trade and commerce," he said.
         assured depositors that the bank has  senior research analyst, Angel Broking.
         enough liquidity to pay back their
         money deposited in the bank.                                          Airtel Payment Bank joins
                                            RTGS payment available
         The draft scheme of amalgamation   24x7 from Dec                      hands with Bharti AXA
         has said the transferor bank (LVB)                                    General
         "shall cease to exist by operation of the  The Reserve Bank of India, announced  Airtel Payments Bank has partnered
         scheme, and its shares or debentures  that the Real-Time Gross Settlement  with Bharti AXA General Insurance to
         listed in any stock exchange shall stand  (RTGS), which is used for large-value  offer comprehensive car insurance to
         delisted." This means LVB shares will be  fund transfers, will be available round-  the payments bank's customers.
         written off as per the terms of the  theclock from December .
         scheme. The bank had a market      At present, RTGS, which has a mini-  The Smart Drive Private Car Insurance
         capitalisation of nearly Rs 500 crore.  mum fund transfer of Rs. 2 lakh, is  offers financial protection against
                                                                               damage to the vehicle due to acci-
         Assuring that the depositors' money is  available for customers from 7.00 am  dent, theft, and natural and man-
         safe, Manoharan expressed confidence  to 6.00 pm on all working days of a  made disasters. Airtel Payments Bank's
         of completing its merger with DBS  week (except the second and fourth  customers can purchase the Bharti
         Bank India within the 30-day deadline  Saturdays).                    AXA car insurance policy within five
         set by RBI. He added that LVB has Rs  "With this, India will be one of the very  minutes using a paperless, secure, and
         20,000 crore in deposits and Rs 17,000  few countries globally with a 24x7x  quick process through the Airtel Thanks
         crore in advances. "The top priority of  365 large-value real-time payment sys-  app. Airtel Payments Bank, the
         the bank is to assure depositors that  tem," said RBI Governor Shaktikanta  country's first payments bank, has over
         their money is safe and that the bank  Das.                           3 crore customers.

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