Page 9 - Banking Finance December 2020
P. 9


         The deadline could be extended till  scheme in public sector banks will be  we want to build a bank in India as a
         March next year at the maximum, she  based on operating profit/net profit of  fintech with a banking licence. Unlike
         clarified later. Sitharaman said the fi-  the individual bank. It is optional for  other foreign banks, we have decided
         nancial inclusion story is not over and  private and foreign banks. In the pre-  to go the whole hog. The most difficult
         banks still have inclusion to carry for-  vious wage settlement, signed in May  choice was the strategy we wanted to
         ward.                              2015 for the November 2012-October  do," said Sinha, adding that the pan-

                                            2017 period, the IBA had offered a 15  demic and lockdown have proven to be
         IBA, unions settle on 15%          per cent hike.                     a big leveller as to some extent it does
         pay hike                           IBA initially offered a pay hike of 12  not matter how many branches and
                                                                               ATMs a bank has. As part of its strat-
         Over eight lakh employees from 29  per cent which was rejected by the
         banks will get a wage hike of 15 per  bank unions. Salary and wage revision  egy, the bank is focussing on providing
         cent involving an outgo of Rs 7,900  in the banking sector takes place  top-of-the-line services to the affluent
         crore for the banks. Both the sides  through a wage revision settlement  and emerging affluent in India and
         agreed to implement the concept of  between the workers and manage-   their counterparts would be NRIs with
         Performance Linked Incentive scheme  ment. This wage revision agreement in  relations in India.
         for the first time from the current fis-  the banking industry is valid for five  "We are careful about the segment we
         cal.                               years only.                        go to, we are not choosing the mass
         The Indian Banks' Association (IBA),                                  or the super affluent segment. We
         the apex body of the banks, concluded  SBM Bank to launch neo-        want to work with the affluent who
         the 11th bipartite wage negotiations                                  need to be treated as a super affluent,
         with bank unions and associations,  banking platform                  but needs a lot more guidance," he
         which will be effective from November  SBM Bank India, which is the wholly-  said. The bank has over 8,000 custom-
         1, 2017. "The agreement reached to-  owned subsidiary of State Bank of  ers and seven bank branches and five
         day, provides for 15 per cent increase  Mauritius, is focussing on technology to  ATMs.
         in pay slip. To inculcate a sense of com-  reach out to customers and is set to
         petition and also to reward the perfor-  launch a neo-banking platform.  HDFC Bank capable of
         mance, the concept of Performance
         Linked Pay has been introduced for the  "We are launching neo banking. We  handling downside risks
         first time," IBA Chief Executive Sunil  have tied up with a fintech," said  Standard and Poor's, global rating
         Mehta said.                        Neeraj Sinha, Head - Retail and Con-  agency said that India's largest private
                                            sumer Bank at SBM Bank (India), add-
         A detailed bipartite settlement/joint                                 lender, HDFC Bank, has sufficient finan-
                                            ing that the bank is looking at collabo-
         note has been signed with United Fo-  rative banking in other segments as  cial headroom to withstand downside
         rum of Bank Unions (UFBU) represent-  well where companies may have access  risks from tough operating conditions
         ing four workmen unions and four of-                                  in India. "HDFC Bank's result for the
         ficers associations and also Bank  to large number of customers but do  first half of 2020-21 (the financial year
         Karamchari Sena Mahasangh (BKSM)   not have a banking licence. "We are  that will end on March 31, 2021) are
         who were parties to agreement, IBA  piloting with fintech Pay Nearby. We  resilient and in line with our expecta-
         said.                              have launched a service called Nivesh,  tions," S&P said in a statement.
                                            which is a recurring deposit platform,"
         Of the total wage outgo, the Rs 3,385  Sinha told.                    HDFC Bank has ample capital buffers,
         crore wage bill hike is for non-officers,                             as reflected in its Tier-i capital ratio of
         while the rest is for officers. The wage  SBM Bank India was the first foreign  17.7 per cent as on September 30,
         agreement is for the period November  bank in India to obtain a banking li-  2020. The bank's S&P Global Ratings
         2017 and will run till October 2022.  cence from the Reserve Bank of India  risk-adjusted capital ratio will be 8.5-9
         However, there was no decision on  to operate as a wholly-owned subsid-  per cent over next two years, com-
         five-day week for bank employees.  iary in January 2019.
                                                                               pared with 9.4 per cent as on March
         The Performance Linked Incentive   "The attitude we started with was that  31, 2020.

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