Page 47 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 47


          Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH) holds

             Commencement Day 2022, 2022-24 batch; Economist Dr

             Ajit Ranade and S&P Global ED Ms Bhavana Batra offer

                                               Success Mantras

          On  June  18  2022,  BIMTECH  Greater  Noida  held  the  In an inspiring address the Guest of Honour, Ms Bhavana
          Commencement Ceremony to welcome its new PGDM 2022-  Batra shared her perspectives on changing World of Work,
          24 batch on campus. The ceremony was attended by about  and how MBAs can do well in these uncertain times.
          300  students, and their parents, who  have  joined four
                                                              Ms Batra said, "We are living in times of significant change.
          programs at BIMTECH -- PGDM-Core, PGDM-International
                                                              Covid 19 has changed how business is done, and how we
          Business, PGDM- Insurance and PGDM-Retail. Well known
                                                              work. Honestly, no one is sure of the future! No one can
          Economist Dr Ajit Ranade and Ms Bhavana Batra, Executive
                                                              claim to know it all. Everyone is learning new things and
          Director,  Global People  Programs  Leader,  S&P  Global
                                                              trying to improve every day."
          addressed the students and their parents.
                                                              Offering an example, Ms Batra said, "Today our Supply
          Complimenting BIMTECH leadership, Dr Ajit Ranade said,
                                                              Chain is being reconfigured completely. We no longer rely
          "BIMTECH does not believe in resting on its laurels. It keeps
                                                              on a single vendor. We don't even rely on a single country.
          climbing  and  reaching newer  heights!" In  an inspiring
                                                              Businesses want to diversify across continents… This requires
          speech, Ms Bhavana Batra said, "You are lucky to be entering
                                                              new thinking, capabilities and execution."
          the MBA program in an era where there are so  many
          opportunities. Be buoyant and open to opportunities. But  Motivating young students, she said, "This is a great time
          remember these opportunities will not come to you. You  for MBAs to learn business management. Be buoyant and
          need to work hard for it."                          be open to opportunities!" She however cautioned students:
                                                              "But remember these opportunities will not come to you.
          In his welcome address Dr Harivansh Chaturvedi, Director,
                                                              You need to work hard for it."
          BIMTECH talked about the diversity. Dr Chaturvedi said,
          "BIMTECH is a rainbow of diverse cultures of India." He  Ms Batra said MBAs should focus on following areas to
          further  added  that  BIMTECH  has  admitted 40 percent  improve their employability:
          female and 60 male students this year and students are from
                                                              Continuous Learning: Lean constantly and add value to
          all education backgrounds.
          Complimenting incoming students, Dr Ranade  said, "In
                                                              Relationship Building: Relationships will help you learn and
          domain of private sector management education, BIMTECH
                                                              give  you  comfort  in  difficult  times.  So,  leverage  this
          is in top 10 or even top 5 B-schools. You have absolutely
                                                              opportunity to build stronger relationships.
          made the right choice."Dr Ranade, a well-known economist,
                                                              Problem Solving Skills: In industry, we look for problem
          was the President and Chief Economist at Aditya Birla Group.
                                                              solvers. We look for people who have the ability to leverage
          He has earlier served as an Executive Officer of Financial
                                                              different aspects of learning and offer options to problems.
          Technologies India Ltd. and Chief Economist at ABN AMRO
                                                              So, think  on  those lines. Have a  tangible takeaway in
          Bank. He has served on various committees of the Reserve
                                                              everything you do. It will differentiate you.
          Bank of India. Ms Bhavana Batra, ED, S&P Global inspires
          students                                            Concluding her talk, Ms Batra said, "You cannot achieve
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