Page 44 - Insurance Times July 2022
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the growth and development of any economy. Insurance  GIC Re-recorded a financial loss of 3.59 billion INR (47.72
          helps and supports people as also an industry in case of  million USD) in the 2019-2020 fiscal year, compared to a net
          accidents and insurance investments that are long-term in  profit of  22.24  billion INR  (319.67 million USD) in the
          nature aid in infrastructure development for a developing  previous fiscal year.
          economy. By promoting appropriate risk management and
          providing a source of finance to respond to damages and  The obligatory reinsurance cession rate in India has been
          losses  sustained  by  consumers,  corporations,  and  reduced by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of India
          governments, the insurance industry also plays an important  (IRDAI). The proportion decreased from 5% in the years
          role in minimizing risks in the economy.            2021-2022 to 4% in the years 2022-2023.

          Reinsurance is a high-capital industry. It also has to adhere  How  Reinsurance  Affects  the Direct
          to reserving regulations similar to those used by insurers,
          implying that profitability and dividend declaration/release
          will take a lengthy time. It's a business whose prospects are  The reinsurer offers value to the services a direct insurer
                                                              provides to his clients in a variety of ways.
          intertwined with those of primary insurers, and reinsurer
                                                                 By  taking  on the  direct insurer's disaster risks, the
          profitability is a pipe dream in an era of fierce competition
                                                                 reinsurer minimizes the likelihood of the direct insurer's
          and sloppy/unscientific rate making on the part of primary
                                                                 By taking up a portion of the direct insurer's risk of
          GIC Re was founded in 1972 as an Indian reinsurer in the  random fluctuation, change, and error, he helps to
          expanding reinsurance market. It began as a single point of  stabilize the balance sheet.
          contact for the four state-owned Indian general insurance
                                                                 By covering huge sums-insured and highly exposed risks,
          firms to safeguard their risks, and then grew into a full-
                                                                 he improves the direct insurer's portfolio's balance.
          service worldwide reinsurer.
                                                                 He  increases  the  capacity  of  the  direct  insurer's
                                                                 underwriting by absorbing a proportional share of the
          The Market for Reinsurance expansion in                risks and providing a portion of the required reserves.
          India                                                  By releasing stock that had been tied up to pay risks,
          In India, the sole indigenous reinsurance business, General  he raises the amount of capital effectively available to
          Insurance Corporation of India (GIC Re), has long had a  the direct insurer.
          monopoly on professional reinsurance activities. Recent  He improves the  efficiency  of  the direct insurer's
          legislative amendments  have progressively  opened the  operations by providing a variety of services.
          market to multinational organizations, making it easier to
                                                                 Kinds of services: for example, by
          create overseas reinsurance offices.
                                                                 Getting underwriting data from all across the world and
                                                                 putting it together:
          GIC Re is primarily focused on Asia, the Middle East, and
          Africa, with subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Russia, the  Special dangers are assessed and evaluated.
          United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, South Africa, and Brazil.
                                                                 Provision of loss prevention consultancy
                                                                 Supporting  actuarial  work  by  assisting  with  loss
          During the 2018-2019 fiscal year, GIC Re held 81 percent of
          the Indian reinsurance market's revenue or 6.357 billion
          dollars. At the end of the 2019-2020 financial year, which  Members of the cedent's team are being trained in the
                                                                 following areas
          ended on March 31, 2020, the Indian reinsurance market
          as a whole recorded a turnover of 637.12 billion INR (8.46
          billion USD). This is a 16.57 percent increase over the 546.56 Business Figures of Re-Insurance in India
          billion INR (7.85 billion USD) reported in the previous fiscal  One of the most important factors of reinsurance is to
          year. With  a turnover of  510.3  billion INR, the  General  reduce the disruption in India or worldwide. Because of the
          Insurance Corporation of India (GIC Re), the only domestic  increased pandemic uncertainty, reinsurance demand is
          reinsurance provider, controls 80.09 percent of the market  rising. While improving pricing movement is a huge plus for
          (6.78 billion USD).                                 both the reinsurance  and  insurance  sector, economic

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