Page 39 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 39

revenue account level when the sum of expected net claim  Premium Deficiency is recognised if the sum of expected net
          costs and related expenses and maintenance costs (relating  claim costs and related expenses and maintenance costs
          to claims handling) exceed reserve for unexpired risks. In  (relating to claims handling) exceed reserve for unexpired
          computing the overall deficiency at miscellaneous revenue  risks. The expected claim costs are calculated and duly
          account level  premium deficiency arising out of reinsurance  certified by appointed actuary.
          acceptances from declined risk pool is not considered as per
          regulatory guidelines. The premium deficiency is calculated  In accordance with master Circular and corrigendum on
          and duly certified by appointed actuary.            master circular on preparation of financial statements issued
                                                              by IRDAI vide Circular No IRDA/F&A/CIR/FA/231/10/2012
          Terrorism Pool : The Company has created liability to the  dated 5th October 2012 and IRDA/F&A/CIR/FA/126/07/2013,
          extent of 100% of premium (net of claims and expenses)  dated 3rd July 2013, respectively.
          retroceded to the company during the year  through reserve
          for unexpired risks.                                New India Assurance
                                                              A  reserve  for  unearned  premium  for  each  segment,
          National Insurance                                  representing  that  part  of  the  recognised  premium
          Unearned premium reserve is created on  the  amount  attributable to succeeding accounting periods calculated on
          representing that part of the net premium written which is  time apportionment basis is created. This forms part of the
          attributable  to allocated to  the succeeding accounting  unexpired risk reserves.
          periods including on the yearly premium recognised on long
          term motor policies on new cars and new two wheelers sold  Unearned premium reserve is computed in accordance with
          on or after 1st of September, 2018 and also on short term  guidelines issued by IRDAI as under.
          policies, at 50% of net premium except marine hull business,  a)  Marine  hull  100%  of  net  written premium during
          where it is made at 100% of net premium.               preceeding 12 months.
                                                              b)  in  respect of other segments 1/365 method on the
          However, no unearned premium reserve is created in case
                                                                 unexpired period of respective policies.
          of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana - Kharif Business, as
          the entire risk period falls within the financial year.
                                                              Premium deficiency is calculated where the sum of expected
                                                              claims costs, related expenses  and  maintenance costs
          Premium deficiency is recognised and disclosed where the
                                                              exceed  the  related  unearned  premium.  The  premium
          sum  of  expected  claims  costs,  related  expenses  and
                                                              deficiency is recognised  as per IRDAI guidelines and forms
          maintenance costs exceed the related unearned premium
                                                              part of unexpired risk reserve.
          on an annual basis as certified by the Actuary.
                                                              Oriental Insurance
          Navi General Insurance                              Reserve for unexpired risks is based on a percentage there
          Premium including reinsurance accepted is recorded over  of, being 50% in case of fire, marine cargo and miscellaneous
          the contract period or the period of risk, as appropriate,  business  and 100%  in  case of  marine hull  business. It
          after adjusting for unearned premium (unexpired risk).  represents the net premium attributable to the successive
                                                              financial years. Unexpired risks for kharif crops is taken as
          Long term Motor Own Damage Premium is recorded on a  nil as it is short term expiring within the accounting period.
          year to year basis in proportion to the movement in Insured's  The premium is booked in compliance of compendium to
          Declared Value (IDV) and Third-Party Premium is recorded  master circular ref. no. IRDA-F&A-CIR-FA-126-07-2013 dated
          equally over the duration of the term of Insurance. The  3rd July, 2013.
          remaining premium in Long Term Motor business is taken
          to Advance Premium Account.                         Premium deficiency is calculated where the sum of expected
                                                              claims costs, related expenses  and  maintenance costs
          Reserve for unexpired risk represents that part of the net  exceed  the  related  unearned  premium.  The  premium
          premium written which is attributable to and allocable to  deficiency is recognised  as per IRDAI guidelines and forms
          the succeeding accounting period(s), is calculated net of re-  part of unexpired risk reserve.
          insurance cession, on the basis of the following method:
          50% for Fire / Marine Cargo / Miscellaneous business; and Raheja QBE
          Reinsurance premium  100% for Marine hull business of the  Revenue Recognition: Premium Income: Premium (net of
          net premium written over the preceding twelve months.  GST),  on  direct  business  and  reinsurance  accepted, is

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