Page 37 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 37

London, Dubai and Malaysia Branch : Reserve for unexpired  appropriate  after  adjusting  for  unearned  premium
          risks is provided at local practice. Adjustment for excess or  (unexpired risk).
          short provision in Unexpired Risk Reserves as per IRDAI
          requirement, is accounted at head office.           Reinsurance  premium  ceded  on unearned  premium is
                                                              carried forward to the period of risk and is set off against
          Premium Deficiency Reserve  (PDR)  ; Where applicable  related unearned premium.
          premium deficiency is worked out separately for each
          segmental  revenue  level  basis,  viz.  fire,  marine  and  Reserve for unexpired risks is calculated on the basis of 1/
          miscellaneous. As per IRDAI Circular No. IRDAI/Reg/7/119/  365 method in all segments subject to a minimum of 100%
          2016 dated 7 April 2016, Premium Deficiency Reserve is  in case of marine hull and based on net premium written
          calculated by Non-life Appointed Actuary.           during the year which ever is higher as per IRDA Circular
                                                              No.  IRDAI/F&A/CIR/CPM/056/03/2016 dated 4th April, 2016
          Go-Digit General Insurance Ltd.
          Premium deferred for recognition of income in the future  Premium deficiency is recognised for the company as whole
                                                              on an annual basis. Premium deficiency is recognised if the
          period related  long  term motor insurance  policies are
                                                              sum of   expected net claim costs related expenses and
          included in unallocated premium in the Balance Sheet.
                                                              maintenance  costs  exceeds  the  related  reserve  for
                                                              unexpired  risks.  Claims costs  are  calculated  and  duly
          Unearned premium on reinsurance ceded is carried forward
                                                              certified by the actuary.
          to the subsequent accounting period and is set off against
          related unearned premium income.
                                                              ICICI Lombard
          Reserve for un-expired risks :                      Premium earned including  reinstatement  premium and
          Reserve for unexpired risk represent that part of the net  reinsurance accepted  is recognised as income over the
          premium written which is attributable to and allocated to  period of risk or the policy period based on 1/365 method
          the  succeeding accounting periods. In accordance with  whichever  is  appropriate  on  gross  basis,  other  than
          IRDAI circular No. IRDAI/F&A/CIR/CPM/056/03/2016 dated  installment premiums received for group health policies
          4th  April, 2016 and Master Circular on  Preparation of  where in the installment premiums are recognised over the
          Financial  Statements  and Auditors  Report of  General  balance policy period.
          Insurance Business and corrigendum issued thereon, reserve
          for unexpired risks is calculated based on 1/365 method in  Premium allocated to subsequent  period is included in
          all segments subject to minimum of 100% of net premium  premium received in advance.
          written with respect to marine hull policies written during
          the year and are unexpired as on balance sheet date.  Reserve for unexpired risks is created net of reinsurance
                                                              ceded and represents premium written that is attributable
          Premium deficiency is recognised if the sum of  expected  to and is to be allocated to succeeding accounting periods
          net claim costs related expenses and maintenance costs  For fire,  marine  cargo and miscellaneous business it  is
          exceeds the related reserve for unexpired risks. Premium is  calculated on daily pro-rata basis except in case of marine
          assessed at each Balance Sheet date  and is recognised at  hull business it is computed at 100% of net premium written
          segment revenue account(s) level. The expected claims  on all unexpired policies on the balance sheet date.
          including related expenses and maintenance for premium
          deficiency reserve  computation     calculated and  duly  Premium deficiency is recognised at segmental revenue
          certified by the appointed actuary.                 account level when the sum of  expected net claim costs
                                                              related expenses and maintenance costs exceeds the related
          Terrorism Pool : The entire amount of reinsurance accepted  reserve for unexpired risks. The  Premium Deficiency is
          for the current year  on this account, net of claims and  calculated  and  duly  certified by  the  Appointed/  Panel
          expenses up to the above date has been carried forward to  Actuary.
          subsequent accounting period as unexpired risk reserve for
          subsequent risks if any to be borne by the company.  IFFCO Tokio
                                                              Premium  and cession thereof are recognized over  the
          HDFC Ergo                                           contract  period or the  period of  the  risk in  respective
          Premium including reinsurance accepted is recognised as  revenue  account following 1/365  method. Reserve  for
          income  over  the  contract  period  or  risk  period  as  unexpired risk representing premium attributable to the

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