Page 41 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 41

Star Health & Allied Insurance                      Universal Sompo
          Premium is recognised as income over the contract period  Premium  earned including  Reinstatement  Premium is
          or  the risk  period  on the  commencement  of risk  after  recognized as income over the period of risk or the contract
          adjusting for unearned premiums (Unexpired Risk)    period based on 1/365 method, whichever is appropriate on
                                                              a gross basis,net of goods and service tax.
          Unearned premium  reserve  is created  as  the amount
          representing that part of the premium written (Net  of
                                                              Reserves for Unexpired Risk Reserve for unexpired risk is
          reinsurance ceded) which is attributable to and is to be
                                                              recognized  net of  reinsurance  ceded  and represents
          allocated to the succeeding accounting periods. It has been
                                                              premium written that is attributable and to be allocated to
          calculated at 50% of net written premium of preceeding 12
                                                              succeeding accounting periods for risks to be borne by the
          months as per IRDAI directives.
                                                              Company under contractual obligations on a contract period
          Unearned premium on reinsurance ceded is carried forward  basis or risk period basis, whichever is appropriate. It is
          to the period of risk and setoff against related unearned  calculated on a daily pro-rata basis (1/365th method) for all
          premium.                                            lines except for Marine Hull. In case of Marine Hull reserves
                                                              shall be computed as 100% of net written premium during
          Premium deficiency is recognised whenever expected claims
                                                              the preceding twelve months.
          cost related expenses and maintenance costs exceed related
          reserve  for unexpired risks. The premium  deficiency is
                                                              Premium deficiency is recognised at Company level when
          calculated and duly certified by the appointed actuary.
                                                              the sum of expected claim costs and related expenses and
                                                              maintenance costs  (related  to claims handling) on the
          Tata AIG
                                                              unexpired period of the in-force policies exceed the related
          Reinsurance  premium  ceded  on unearned  premium is
                                                              reserve  for  unexpired  risks.  The  Company  considers
          carried forward to the period of risk and is set off against
                                                              maintenance cost as relevant cost incurred for ensuring
          related unearned premium.
                                                              claims handling operations.  The  Premium deficiency  is
                                                              calculated and duly certified by the Appointed Actuary.
          Reserve for unexpired risk, representing that part of the
          premium  written  attributable  and  allocable  to  the
                                                              The Company has recognised Nil  of the  total premium
          subsequent  accounting  period(s)  is  calculated  net  of
                                                              earned from the Miscellaneous -Engineering class of business
          reinsurance cession on the basis of 1/365th method as per
                                                              based on varying risk pattern. The risk pattern determined
          IRDAI Circular No. IRDAI/F&A/CIR/CPM/056/03/2016 dated
                                                              based on underwriting estimates which are inturn based on
          April 4, 2016.
                                                              project related information received from the customers,
                                                              and these are relied upon by the Company.
          Premium deficiency is recognised at segmental revenue
          account level, when sum of expected claims costs and related
                                                              United India Insurance
          expenses and maintenance costs (related to claims handling)
                                                              Premium income is recognised on assuption of risk and is
          exceed  the  reserve for  unexpired  risks.  The  premium
                                                              adjusted for increase or decrease in reserve for unearned
          deficiency is calculated and duly certified by the AA.
                                                              premium calculated as per 4.3 above.
          For  unearned premium reserve accounting, the amount of
                                                              Reserve for unexpired risks comprises of Unearned premium
          reinsurance premium accepted for the risk assumed in the
                                                              reserve and Premium deficiency reserve.
          current financial year on this account has been carried
          forward to the subsequent accounting period at 50% of the
                                                              Unearned  premium  reserve  is  made  on  the  amount
          reinsurance premium accepted as unexpired risk reserve for
                                                              representing that part of net premium written which is
          subsequent risk, if any, to be borne by the Company.
                                                              attributable to, and allocated to the succeeding accounting
          There is no premium deficiency for the company on overall  period/s at 50% of net premium except in case of marine
          basis in accordance with para 2(2) of Schedule II of Insurance  hull  business,  nuclear  pool  and  terrorism  (fire  and
          Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Assets,  engineering) where it is made at 100% of net premium.
          Liabilities  and  Solvency  Margin  of  General  Insurance
          Business) Regulations 2016.                         Premium deficiency is calculated where the sum of expected
                                                              claims cost, related expenses and maintenance costs exceed
          Extent of premium income recogised based on varying risk  the related unearned premium. The premium deficiency is
          pattern is nil.                                     recognised as per IRDAI guidelines.

                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2022   41
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