Page 38 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 38

succeeding accounting period is maintained based on the  premium under insurance contract liabilities for subsequent
          above  method  except  in  Marine  Hull  business  and  risks, if any, to be borne by the Company.
          reinsurance acceptances under the  Pool  arrangements.
          Unexpired  Risk Reserve  for  Marine  Hull  business  and Liberty General Insurance
          reinsurance acceptances in respect of  Terrorism Pool is
                                                              Revenue  recognition  Premium including  re-insurance
          maintained at hundred percent of net premium and in  accepted (other than Motor long term Insurance policies)
          respect of all other reinsurance acceptances under pool
                                                              is recognized as income over the contract period or the
          arrangements at fifty percent of the net premium during  period of risk (1/365 method) whichever is appropriate on
          the preceding twelve months.
                                                              gross basis net of Goods and Services Tax.
          Premium deficiency is recognized whenever expected claim
                                                              Reserve for unexpired risk represents that part of the net
          costs, related expenses and maintenance costs exceeds
                                                              premium  (i.e.,  premium,  net of  reinsurance  ceded)  in
          related reserve for unexpired risks for each segment of
                                                              respect of each line of business which is attributable to, and
          business.                                           set aside for, subsequent risks to be borne by the Company
                                                              under contractual obligations on contract period basis or risk
          Kotak Mahindra                                      period basis (1/365 method), whichever is appropriate. In
          Premium earnings are recognised over the period of the  case of premium retro ceded by the Terrorism pool, reserve
          policy or period of risk.                           for unexpired risk is created at  50% of the retro ceded
                                                              premium (net of XOL premium) during the year
          Reserve for Unexpired Risk Reserve for unexpired risk is
          recognised  net  of  reinsurance  ceded  and represents  Premium deficiency is recognised at Company level if the
          premium written that is attributable and to be allocated to  ultimate amount of expected net claim costs and related
          succeeding accounting periods for risks to be borne by the  expenses and maintenance costs on unexpired period of the
          Company under contractual obligations over  a contract  inforce policies  exceed the related reserve for unexpired
          period or period of risk, whichever is applicable. As per  risks carried forward to subsequent accounting period. The
          circular vide IRDAI/F&A/CIR/CPM/056/03/2016 dated April 4,  Company considers maintenance  cost as relevant  cost
          2016 such reserves are calculated on a pro-rata basis under  incurred  for  ensuring claims  handling  operations.  The
          1/365 basis subject to 100% for marine hull business, on all  Premium deficiency is calculated and duly certified by the
          unexpired policies at Balance Sheet Date.           Appointed Actuary.

          Premium deficiency is recognized when sum of expected  As on 31st March 2020, as per IRDA (Assets Liabilities and
          claim  costs, related expenses  and  maintenance costs  Solvency Margin of General Insurance Business) premium
          exceeds related reserve for unexpired risks. It is done on  deficiency  has  been  calculated at  segmental  level but
          annual basis and at segment revenue account level viz. Fire  recognised at the company level.
          Marine and Miscellaneous for each segment of business.
                                                              Premium income recognised based on varying risk pattern
          Premium deficiency reserve is estimated and certified by the
                                                              is Nil.
          Appointed Actuary.
                                                              Magma HDI
          In accordance with master circular and corrigendum on
                                                              Reinsurance premium is ceded on unearned premium is
          master circular on Preparation of Financial  Statements
          issued by IRDAI vide circular No. IRDA/F&A/CIR/FA/231/10/  carried forward to the period of risk and is set off against
                                                              related unearned premium.
          2012 dated 5th October 2012 and Circular No IRDA/F&A/
          CIR/FA/126/07/2013, dated 3rd July 2013, respectively, in
                                                              Premium on longterm policies is accounted as premium
          respect of calculation and recognition of premium deficiency,
                                                              received in advance.
          the company does not require to make any provision for
          premium deficiency reserve during the current year (Previous
                                                              Reserve  for unexpired Risks  :   is made on the  amount
          year : Nil)
                                                              representing that part of the net premium written which is
                                                              attributable  to  and  be  allocated  to  the  subsequent
          Terrorism Pool : The entire amount of reinsurance accepted
                                                              accounting period, using 1/365  method
          for the current year on  this account net  of claims and
          expenses up to the above date has been carried forward to  Reserve for premium deficiency : In accordance with IRDAI
          subsequent accounting  period  as changes  in unearned  Circular premium deficiency is  recognised at  segmental

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