Page 40 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 40

recognized as income based on 1/365th Method of contract  Royal Sundaram
          period or risk period whichever is appropriate.
                                                              Premium is recognised as income over the contract period
                                                              or period of risk as appropriate and for installment cases it
          Reserve for unexpired risk  represents that  part  of  net
                                                              is recognised on installment due dates after adjusting for
          premium (net of proportional reinsurance ceded) which is
                                                              unearned premium and premium deficiency if any,
          attributable to, and set aside for subsequent risks to be
          borne by the Company under contractual obligations on a
                                                              Premium deficiency is recognised whenever expected claims
          contract period basis or risk period basis, whichever is  cost related expenses and maintenance cost exceed related
          appropriate. The reserves are computed as 100% in case of
                                                              reserve for unexpired risk in fire, marine, miscellaneous
          Marine Hull business and 1/365th method on unexpired  revenue accounts.
          period in case of other businesses.
                                                              The reserve for unexpired risks represents the proportion
          Premium deficiency is recognised if the ultimate amount of
                                                              of premium relating to periods of insurance subsequent to
          expected net claims costs related expenses and maintenance  the balance sheet date. Calculated principally on a daily
          costs exceeds the sum of related premium carried forward
                                                              prorata basis, as stipulated in the IRDAI circular IRDAI/F&A/
          to the subsequent accounting period as the reserve for
                                                              CIR/FA/056/03/2013. However in respect of  marine cargo,
          unexpired risks. Premium deficiency is maintained at company  marine hull business a fixed percentage of 50 and 100
          level and monitored by line of business.
                                                              respectively on net written premium of the year is adopted.
          In accordance with IRDAI circular IRDAI/F&A/CIR/FA/126/
                                                              Re insurance Ceded : Un earned premium on reinsurance
          07/2013, dated 3rd July, 2013 insurers are not required to
                                                              ceded is carried forward to the period of risk and set off
          recognise premium deficiency arising out of Motor Third
                                                              against related unearned premium
          Party Portfolio including esrtwhile Motor Pool, Declined Risk
          Pool and Other Pools.  Accordingly during  the year  the  Indian Market Terrorism Risk Insurance Pool : A reserve for
          company has not recognised premium deficiency on motor  unexpired  risk  is  recorded  at  100%  of  net  premium
          third party portfolio which was accounted hitherto.  retroceded to the Company from the pool during the year.

                                                              Premium income recogised based on varying risk pattern is nil.
          Extent of premium income recognised based on varying risk
          pattern is nil.
                                                              Sriram General Insurance
          Reliance General Insurance                          Direct Business: Reserve for unexpired risk (risk related to
                                                              period subsequent to the Balance Sheet date) represents
          Reserve for Unexpired Risk Reserve for unexpired risk is
                                                              that  part  of  the  net  premium  (i.e.,  premium,  net  of
          made on the amount representing that part of the net
                                                              reinsurance ceded) which is attributable to, and set aside
          premium written which attributable to, and to be allocated
                                                              for subsequent risks to be borne by the Company under
          to the succeeding accounting period using 1/365 method for
                                                              contractual obligations on contract period basis or risk
          all lines  of business other than Marine  Hull. In case of
                                                              period basis, is calculated on "day basis" in terms of Circular
          Marine Hull business 100% of the Net Written Premium
                                                              No. IRDA/F&A/CIR/FA/126/07/2013 dated 3rd July 2013.
          during the preceding twelve months is recognized as reserve
          for Unexpired Risk.
                                                              Reinsurance  accepted under pooling  arrangement: The
                                                              entire amount of reinsurance accepted from Terrorism Pool,
          Premium deficiency is recognised if the cost of expected net
                                                              for the current year  on this account, net of claims and
          claims costs related  expenses and  maintenance  costs  expenses is carried forward to the subsequent accounting
          exceeds the sum of related premium carried forward to the
                                                              period as 'Reserve for Unexpired Risk' for subsequent risks,
          subsequent accounting period as the reserve for unexpired  if any, to be borne by the Company.
          risks. Premium deficiency is recognised at the company level.
          The Company considers maintenance costs as relevant costs
                                                              Premium deficiency is recognised if the ultimate amount of
          incurred for ensuring claims handling operations. Premium
                                                              expected net claim costs related expenses and maintenance
          deficiency is calculated and duly certified by the Appointed  costs exceeds the related premium carried forward to the
          Actuary of the Company.
                                                              subsequent accounting period as the reserve for unexpired risks.
                                                              Premium deficiency is calculated at business segment level.
          The Company has created liability to the extent of 50% of
          premium retroceded to the company through reserve for  Extent of premium income recogised based on varying risk
          unexpired risks.                                    pattern is nil.
          40  The Insurance Times, July 2022
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