Page 33 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 33

relating to un-expired risk reserves is annexed (Annexure B)
                                                                 they have followed it). And also the varying practice
          along with the summarised tabulated status of reserves
                                                                 between    the  acceptor  and  ceding  /  retroceding
          (Annexure A).  The information pertains to Twenty Six (26)
                                                                 company (like GIC Re reserving at 50% and the acceptor
          Indian Non-life Insurers. It does not cover ECGC, Agricultural
                                                                 of retro-cession providing 100%) might result in some
          Insurance Corporation, and some non-life insurers whose
          reports could not be accessed.
                                                              4. In case of some health policies by one of the Insurer a
          1. As  discussed  above  there  are  two  methods  of
                                                                 variation of time based apportionment is followed.
             calculating the unearned premium. All Insurers, except
             a  few (who have followed the minimum  statutory  5. With respect to long term policies the practice observed
             requirements), follow " Daily Prorata  Basis"  (1/365  from reports of some insurers the unearned premium
             method)   of calculating  the  unearned  premiums.  (premium pertaining to future period where the risk has
             "Varying Risk Pattern" method of calculating unexpired  begun)  is  taken to  Advance premium or  Allocated
             risk reserves is followed by none (except in case of Kharif  premium. Is it right to do so ? What is the need for this
             Business (crop insurance) of Oriental Insurance)  may  deviation in treatment of unearned premium ?
             be due to difficulties involved in evaluating the risk
                                                              6. The accounting policies reflected in Annual Reports of
             pattern. But methods have to be developed so that at
                                                                 2019-20 of Indian Non-life Insurers on Premium Income
             some point in time insurers will adopt this method in
                                                                 Recognition indicate some differences. The practices do
             cases where "Daily Prorata Basis" is not appropriate.
                                                                 have a  bearing  on  the  working  of  unexpired risk
          2. From the table  it may be noted  that,  the ratio of  reserves. Efforts should be made to rationalise the
             unexpired risk reserves to net premium range from 33%  practices to ensure reasonable uniformity, so that the
             (GIC re) of net premium to 87% (HDFC Ergo). Even if  quality of unexpired risk reserves is improved. Ensuring
             we exclude GIC Re being a re insurer, the range of 35%  uniform  practices  from the  participants is  a  good
             to 87% appears unreasonable, though theoretically   regulatory  practice.  It  is  also  observed  that  the
             such  a  vide  range  is  perfectly  possible.  A  closer  language  which  leaves  a  scope  for  different
             examination is required. The Insurers with very low  interpretations and the silence which leaves scope for
             percentage  seems  to  have  not complied  with  the  imagined  interpretations should be  avoided in the
             minimum requirements of 100% for Marine Hull and    accounting policies and disclosures. Rationalisation even
             50% for other classes of business.                  if minor,  will  considerably  enhance the  quality  of
          2. Time based apportionment of premium over the risk
             period in a portfolio which is evenly spread during the  7. The term unexpired risk reserve and unearned premium
             financial  reporting  period,  must  normally  yield  a  some times used interchangeably. It will be better if
             reserves ratio (to net premium) of 45 % to 55%. Skewed  unexpired risk reserves should stand only for Unearned
             distribution of business, share of long term policies,  premium and premium deficiency. Though in practice
             share of marine hull policies and (method of risk pattern  in most of the cases premium deficiency being nil, the
             based  calculation  of  reserves,  certain  special  amount  of  unexpired risk reserves and unearned
             dispensations like the treatment of crop insurance,  premium will be same.
             Rashtriya Swasth Bima Yojana and pool business  might
                                                              8. Premium deficiency reserve has been created by 3 out
             be some of the reasons for the ratio being beyond this
                                                                 of 26 insurers. Few Insurers have explicitly stated their
             normal range. Yet the status of six insurers who fall in
                                                                 reserve for premium deficiency to be Nil. Some have
             the range of 61 to 87 %  appear unusual. When the
                                                                 disclosed the accounting policy even though there is no
             regulatory provisions mandate a minimum of 100% for
                                                                 such reserve. Others are silent. For the sake of good
             Marine Hull business and 50% for Other business (of net
                                                                 disclosure practice, silence should be avoided.
             premium) the case of 7 insurers falling in the range of
                                                              9. Many insurer explicitly state that pattern of risk based
             33% to 49% appears to be an issue of compliance, if
                                                                 method has not been followed for creation of unexpired
             not an issue of adequacy of reserves.
                                                                 risk reserves. Many others are silent on this. Positive
          3. Certain categories of Insurance, like Crop Insurance,
                                                                 disclosure instead of being silent is a good practice.
             Terrorism  Pool  Rashtriya  Swasth  Bima Yojana  etc.
                                                              10. In  their  policies  some  insurers  have  stated  that
             appears  to  have  received  special  treatment.  But
                                                                 unearned premium is calculated on net premium, others
             uniformity is missing. Amongst the insurers (or some
                                                                 have stated that it is calculated on gross basis. Amongst
             insurers have not disclosed the policy though in practice
                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2022   33
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