Page 28 - Insurance Times July 2022
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          Several legislations and technologies that have the potential  automobile  industry, and the healthcare  industry. Crop
          to take India's agricultural productivity to a higher orbit will  insurance  is  a  heavily  reinsured  portfolio,  with  the
          become a part of the mix as we move towards the budget for  empanelled insurance companies relying on reinsurance
          fiscal year 2022-2023. Considering the opportunity in the sector,  support. With the introduction of PMFBY, almost 75%-80%
          this change will be driven by a few key factors: government  of risk is now ceded to reinsurers.
          policies that favor farmers, easier access to new technologies
                                                              The loss ratio performance had been quite negative over
          among farmers and surging innovation in the agri-services
                                                              the years, with  2015-16  especially  bad due  to  severe
          sector, and enhanced  sustainability focus in the field  of
                                                              drought. As the entire claim liability under all crop insurance
          agriculture. Together these drivers could help the country's
                                                              schemes is borne by implementing agencies, it is much easier
          agricultural sector grow beyond the critical 4% mark in 2022.
                                                              for the government to ascertain budgetary requirements for
          The Pesticide Management Bill is expected to be passed into  crop  insurance  in  advance.  Crop  Insurance  aims  at
          law  in  2022.  With  its  passage  will  come  greater  supporting, sustainable production in agriculture sector by
          governmental control over the production, sale, and use of  way of, providing financial support to farmers suffering crop
          pesticides. With regards to the introduction of new-age  loss / damage arising out of unforeseen events and stabilizing
          farming technologies - the government has already taken  the  income  of  famers to  ensure  their continuance in
          significant steps in the right direction. One hopes to see more  farming. It would be interesting to see if crop insurance can
          focus from government in pushing regulatory bodies to  herald a change in the Indian General Insurance Industry.
          facilitate faster introduction of newer technologies for the
          farmers, as a follow up step of its initiatives in the last year.
          To its credit, the government has paved the way for use of  1.
          drones in agriculture. Globally, drones have proven their
          efficacy in fertilizing and protecting crops more efficiently.
          The sustainability will be a vital lens to view the progression
          of Indian agriculture from here.
          Globally, there  is a  palpable shift underway in favor of  mantri-fasal-bima-yojana-pmfby-being-revamped-from-
          environment-friendly farming practices. One of the greatest  kharif-2022-
          hindrances to the Indian agricultural sector - that most Indian  4.
          farmers own an average of 2.6 acres of land - presents a  ecosystem
          difficult challenge to increasing farm output and profitability.  5.
          Farms of such size cannot be as efficient as large farms. The  report/india-non-life-insurance
          Indian non-life insurance industry is driven by the rising  6.  IRDAI Annual Report 2020-21
          demand for many associated sectors, for example, the  7.  Newspapers & Journals

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