Page 29 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 29


          THE NUANCES OF


          RESERVES OF NON-


           Non-life Insurance as a commercial venture has many peculiarities, which are not common to other commercial
           endevaours.  Good Faith, Indemnity, Insurable Interest and Proximate Cause are some such fundamental unique
           concepts which form the foundations of insurance  service. There are also concepts like Sum insured, Retroactive
           date, Reporting period (claims), Claims made basis etc., which  sound quite unfamiliar even to a  man of commerce,
           leave alone a common man. These peculiarities of Non-life Insurance have given rise to some unusual financial concepts
           and practices. To name a few of them - Outstanding Claims, Claims Incurred But Not Reported and Incurred But Not
           Enough Reported, Policyholder and Shareholder Funds, Apportionment of Investment Income, Catastrophic Reserves,
           Equalisation Reserves etc. One more such distinct concept goes by the name "Unexpired Risk Reserves". This article
           attempts to present the concept of "Unexpired Risk Reserves "in all its hues and to present the role and importance
           of these reserves in the financial health of a Non-life Insurer.  Certain observations on the summary Annexures A &
           B relating to reserving status and practices of Indian Non-life Insurers are made, which might deserve the attention
           of the regulatory authorities and authorities of the Insurers, for improving the quality of reserves and  related

                                                             A. Introduction
                               About the author
                                                             Non-life Insurance service is contingent in nature, depending
                        S H Gejji                            on the occurence / non-occurence of an unfortunate event,
                        Post Graduate in Commerce. -   in which the customer might suffer. An alternate description
                        Degree in  Law. -  LLB(General)      for this service  is "risk transfer"  -  Insurer takeover the
                        Fellow  of  Insurance Institute of India. - FIII
                                                             customers' risk for a consideration called premium, In view
                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2022   29
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