Page 23 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 23

the top 10 general insurers that include three large PSUs,  (marked FY19 K in the graph) but that is only a part of the
          New India Assurance is the only company which has the  FY20 cropping seasons (Rabi numbers not available).
          distinct  achievement  of  positive  premium  growth,
          profitability and higher market share by expanding its core
          business organically in FY21. Led by Star Health & Allied
          Insurance, all six stand health insurers - at Rs 15,720 crore
          - have together grown 11 per cent y-o-y in FY21.

          Crop Insurance in India

          Crop insurance is one of the key elements to stabilize farmers
          by compensating for crop losses arising out of drought, flood
          and other causes. In 2016, India overhauled crop insurance
          to expand its coverage of farmers and farm areas. Initially,
          it did expand the coverage but since then it has seen a
          downward slide, one of the key reasons for this being visible
          profiteering by insurance companies. 13 private companies
          generated a surplus of Rs 2,725 crore but the five PSU ones
          recorded a deficit of Rs 3,484 crore in 2017-18. Net effect:
                                                              The success of PMFBY depends on the accuracy of loss
          a deficit of Rs 759 crore over the premium received. This is
                                                              assessment, in this case, the CCEs. Ideally under CCE, a
          easy to understand. If crop loss is less, insurers make a
                                                              team, consisting  of  government  officials  and  the  local
          surplus, and if it is more, they report a deficit.
                                                              insurance company, selects random fields in an insurance
                                                              unit (the states notify village/village panchayat/ mandal/
          Both private and public insurers are also reinsured with
                                                              taluka/district as an insurance unit). An analysis of data
          public sector insurer General Insurance Company (GIC),
                                                              compiled from PMFBY's dashboard and from government
          which underwrites such losses.  However, there was a big
                                                              replies in Parliament shows that since 2016, there has been
          brouhaha over this (huge savings from the premium) and
                                                              a 62 per cent decrease in farmers covered under crop
          farmers and some state governments withdrew from it,
                                                              insurance during kharif season to 15.1 million in 2021, and
          reducing  the coverage in subsequent  years. Country's
                                                              46 per cent decrease during rabi to 9.2 million in 2021.
          agricultural sector brightened up the GDP growth of the
          country in another year battered by the pandemic, which
                                                              Area insured has also reduced - 57 per cent under kharif and
          caused a significant decline in India's economic activity. In
                                                              22 per cent under rabi. While there has been a decrease in
          the last fiscal year, while economic activity in the country
          suffered, agricultural sector posted a  robust  growth of  applications from non-loanee farmers, for whom PMFBY was
                                                              optional from the start, many loanee farmers tell Down To
          3.4%. The pandemic has a silver, or rather, green lining in
          the form of a thriving agricultural sector.         Earth (DTE) that they pay the premium as they are not
                                                              aware the scheme was no longer mandatory. Keeping in
          That is because the premium is paid by farmers and the  view the risks involved in agriculture  and to insure the
          central and state governments. That the new insurance  farming community against various risks, the Ministry of
          schemes of PMFBY and RWBCIS expanded the coverage and  Agriculture & Farmers Welfare introduced a crop insurance
          brought a higher number of farmers and farms is not in  scheme in 1985 and thereafter brought improvements in the
          doubt. The cause of worry is the subsequent fall in coverage.  erstwhile  scheme(s)  from time  to  time  based  on  the
          The biggest challenge for farmers continues to remain the  experience gained and views of the stakeholders, States,
          unusual way crop insurance works in India: Farmers are not  farming community etc.
          provided with insurance policy documents or receipts of
          premiums from banks or insurance companies that would  The insurance schemes currently under implementation are
          tell them who their insurer is or received their premium  the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) and the
          (deducted at the time of taking loans).             Restructured  Weather  Based  Crop  Insurance  Scheme
                                                              (RWBCIS). The total funds released by the Government of
          The following graph maps the number of farmers and farm  India during last 5 years under various schemes for crop
          areas in FY18 and FY19. The fall is reversed for FY19 Kharif  insurance are as under:

                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2022   23
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