Page 18 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 18

Cover Story



          CHANGE WITH

          CAT BONDS

          Introduction                                        Hence financial initiatives are also called for side-by-side with
                                                              corrective measures to provide immediate financial relief for
          From melting glaciers in the polar regions to increased bush-
                                                              losses caused by natural disasters.
          fires in Australia, we are witnessing more and more severe
          climate phenomena which are wreaking havoc everywhere.
                                                              How CAT Bonds originated
          Climate change is a global reality now and it is adding to both
          the frequency and severity of natural catastrophes and  CAT Bonds developed to help mitigate the heavy costs of
          weather- related disasters.                         severe natural disasters.They were developed and first used
                                                              in the mid-1990s in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew and
          Though estimates vary, global economic losses from natural  the Northridge Earthquake in the USA.
          catastrophe events in 2020 were estimated at approximately
                                                              Hurricane Andrew struck Florida and the Gulf Coast in the
          USD 190 billion.
                                                              year 1992. It led to USD 27 billion in damages, of which USD
                                                              15.5 billion was covered by insurance. As Hurricane Andrew
          Even as awareness about climate change is growing and
                                                              was the costliest hurricane to ever make landfall in the United
          global initiatives are being made to slow down the pace and
                                                              States at that time,it led to one of the most difficult periods
          initiate corrective measures towards reducing the emission
                                                              for the property and casualty (P&C) insurers. The financial
          of harmful gases severe weather events are exacting a heavy
                                                              upheaval it caused in the insurance sector can be gauged
          toll on human lives and property.
                                                              from the fact that it led to the failure of eight insurance
                                                              companies and pushed many others to the brink of insolvency.
                              About the author
                                                              The  insurance  industry  then  created  a  new  financial
                      Nandita Banerjee
                                                              instrument called a Catastrophe Bond or Event Linked Security
                      Retired Manager
                                                              to increase capital. A CAT Bond is a security that pays the
                      National Insurance  Co. Ltd.
                                                              issuer when a predefined disaster risk is realized.
          18  The Insurance Times, July 2022
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