Page 17 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 17

Life insurance industry in        drivers with double-digit growth in 2021  Mitra concludes: “The life insurance
                                            and are expected to maintain a CAGR  industry in the Asia-Pacific region is
          Asia-Pacific records high-
                                            above 7% over 2021-26.             expected to maintain steady growth
          est growth of 7% over last        Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea are  over the next five years, driven by its
                                                                               underpenetrated emerging markets,
          five years in 2021                among the most saturated life insur-
                                                                               improvement in the standard of living,
                                            ance markets. These markets are ex-
          Asia-Pacific’s  life insurance  industry                             and increased insurance awareness.
                                            pected  to  record  a  CAGR  of  4.7%,
          recorded 7% growth in 2021, the high-                                Furthermore,  the  industry  will  see
                                            3.8%,  and  3.1%,  respectively,  over
          est since 2016, due to increased insur-
                                                                               major insurtech developments to ad-
          ance  awareness  as  macroeconomic
                                                                               dress demographic challenges and pro-
          imbalances highlighted the importance  Personalization, mental health, well-
                                                                               vide personalized insurance.”
          of  financial  security in  the  wake of  being, and environmental, social, and
          COVID-19 pandemic, says GlobalData,  governance (ESG)  were some of the
                                                                               UK motor insurance indus-
          a leading data and analytics company.  key trends witnessed in the APAC life
                                            insurance industry. Examples of per- try to cross GBP20 billion
          As per GlobalData, the life insurance
                                            sonalization include the AIA Connect
          industry written premiums in the Asia-                               by 2026
          Pacific region are expected to grow at  app by AIA Hong Kong, which guides
                                                                               The UK  motor insurance industry is
                                            customers in recognizing the protec-
          a  compound  annual  growth  rate                                    projected to grow at a compound an-
                                            tion gap with their existing life policies
          (CAGR) of 6.5% over 2021–2026 from                                   nual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.3% from
          $1.30 trillion in 2021 to $1.77 trillion  through cloud computing and AI.
                                                                               GBP18.4 billion ($25.5 billion) in 2021
          in 2026.                          With  an  increase  in  cases,  mental  to GBP20.6  billion ($31.3 billion)  in
          Deblina Mitra, Senior Insurance Ana-  health’s inclusion in life insurance was  2026, in terms of direct written premi-
          lyst at GlobalData, comments: “De-  a  notable  development  in  the last  ums (DWP), according to GlobalData,
          spite the economic challenges in 2020,  couple of years. For example, Austra-  a leading data and analytics company.
          the life insurance  industry bounced  lia-based TAL partnered with virtual
                                                                               GlobalData’s  latest report,  ‘United
          back as the COVID-19 pandemic high-  healthcare provider Teladoc Health to
                                                                               Kingdom (UK) General Insurance Mar-
          lighted the importance of life insurance  provide a tailored treatment plan.
                                                                               ket, Key Trends and Opportunities to
          for financial security.  The industry’s
                                            Regional insurers including Nippon Life  2025’, reveals that the UK motor insur-
          growth doubled in 2021 aided by the
                                            and Dai-ichi Life in Japan, Shinhan Life  ance industry will witness growth of
          economic recovery.”
                                            in South Korea, and Axa and Manulife  1.5% in 2022 and 6.7% in 2023 in terms
          China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and  in Hong Kong increased their ESG com-  of DWP due to the increasing cost of
          India were the top five regional mar-  pliant investments as part of sustain-  comprehensive motor insurance plans
          kets, accounting for 85% of the region’s  able  practices. These  trends are ex-  on the back of rising inflation, easing
          consolidated written premiums in 2021.  pected to gain strong traction over the  of COVID-19  restrictions and an in-
          China and India were the major growth  next five years.              crease in vehicles sales.
                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2022   17
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