Page 21 - Insurance Times July 2022
P. 21

bond with an indemnity trigger often takes longer to pay  Second, historically, CAT Bonds have provided strong returns,
          out.                                                helping to attract alternative sources of capital into insurance
          On an average, CAT bonds with indemnity triggers take two
          to three years to pay out following a triggering loss, compared
                                                              Risks associated with CAT Bonds
          with three months for CAT bonds with industry loss or
                                                              CAT Bonds are quite complex and their pay-outs may not be
          parametric  triggers.That  is  the  reason  why  parametric
                                                              quite simple or predictable. The complexity of the trigger
          triggers as the attachment point are favoured in the CAT
                                                              event or the attachment point of a CAT Bond is very crucial to
          Bonds issued to provide relief for extreme weather events.
                                                              the pay-outs. In other words, while retail investors may think
                                                              they have a simple proposition, the implications for their pay-
          CAT Bond Sponsors
                                                              out and principal may be much more difficult in practise than
          CAT Bond sponsors include insurers, reinsurers, corporations,
                                                              it appears.
          and government agencies.
                                                              The actual risk level contained in an event-linked security is
          Over time, frequent issuers have included USAA, Scor SE,
                                                              also hard to calculate. Big Data has allowed many firms that
          Swiss Re, Munich Re, Liberty Mutual, Hannover Re, Allianz,
                                                              specialize in risk assessment and damage estimates to come
          and Tokio Marine Nichido.
                                                              up with a reasonable accurate figure of what might happen
                                                              if catastrophe strikes but Nature is unpredictable.
          Mexico is the only national sovereign to have issued CAT Bonds
          (in 2006, for hedging earthquake risk and in 2009 and 2012,
          a multi structure instrument that covered earthquake and  Finally, because catastrophe bond holders face potentially
          hurricane risks).                                   enormous losses, these bonds are rated "non-investment
                                                              grade" or BB or lower by most major credit rating agencies.
          In June 2014, the World Bank issued its first CAT Bond linked
          to natural hazard (tropical cyclone and earthquake) risks in  The way ahead
          sixteen Caribbean countries.
                                                              Catastrophe bonds have emerged over the years as a popular
                                                              option for insurers, reinsurers, global corporations and even
          Advantages of CAT Bonds
                                                              governments as a way to protect themselves against natural
          CAT Bonds are advantageous for both insurers and investors  disasters.
          for a number of reasons.
                                                              India is vulnerable to climate change as the National Disaster
          CAT  bonds  offer  insurers  an  alternative to  traditional
                                                              Management  Authority,  Government  of India(NDMA)
          reinsurance and allow catastrophe risk to be transferred to a
                                                              estimates that 27 states and Union territories are disaster-
          wider set of investors.Unlike traditional reinsurance where it
                                                              prone.Hence it is time that India also explored this option to
          is possible for the reinsurer to fail to pay out following a loss
                                                              address the protection gap in India to mitigate losses from
          event, CAT Bonds are 100% collateralized and structured to
                                                              climate change.
          eliminate counterparty risk.
                                                              Currently, the insurance industry is working to improve CAT
          CAT  Bonds  also  offer  the  possibility  of  multi-year
                                                              Bond modelling to cover new types of risk-such as cyberattack
          commitments, whereas most reinsurance deals are for a one-
                                                              and terror risks. So, it appears that the uses of CAT bonds will
          year term. A multiyear commitment allows CAT Bond issuers
                                                              continue to grow, offering issuers new avenues to transfer a
          to lock in prices over an extended period. Finally, CAT bonds
                                                              variety of risks.
          have lowered the costs of diversifying insurers' exposure to
          natural disaster risk.
                                                              Be that as it may, it may also be stated that it is high time we
                                                              pondered on the fact that serious and concerted efforts are
          For investors, the appeal of CAT bonds is two fold. First, CAT
          Bonds are largely uncorrelated with the returns of other  urgently required to gradually reduce our carbon emissions
          financial market instruments. The incidence of hurricanes  as this is the best solution to combat climate change in the
          and tornadoes is largely unrelated to economic and financial  long-term.
          activity. However, it is possible that CAT Bond losses might
          happen at the same time as a downturn in the broader References
          economy.                                            Various sources.

                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2022   21
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