Page 15 - Insurance Times October 2020
P. 15

H Health Insurealth Insurance                                       Newewss
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                 Health Insurance N Nance N News
                 H He
                        ealth Insurance
          Proposed  health  data            possible for individuals to be treated  "The Industry has seen a substantial
          policy puts question mark         anywhere.                          increase in Corona-specific claims, both
                                                                               in general as well as Corona-specific
          on privacy concerns               "Data fiduciaries" will be allowed to  claims," Pankaj Arora, Managing Di-
                                            collect and store "sensitive personal
          India doesn't have a law protecting  data". This could include financial infor-  rector and CEO, Raheja QBE General
          personal data. There are no specific  mation; physical, physiological and  Insurance, said.
          penalties for failing to keep such data  mental health data; sex life and sexual  Even though there has been a slowdown
          secure. A proposed law on Personal  orientation; genetic data; caste or  in the number of new Covid-19 cases in
          Digital Privacy Protection has been  tribe data; and "religious or political  recent weeks, data from many States
          pending since 2018, and drafts in the  belief or affiliation". It's impossible to  show that the spread of the pandemic
          public domain raise concerns about  understand why much of this is neces-  still remains largely unabated, leading
          widespread surveillance.          sary. The draft also suggests that even  to a rush for insurance.
          The recently released draft "Health  the local pharmacy could be consid-  The  pandemic  has  changed  the
          Data Management Policy" of the Na-  ered a fiduciary. This means higher  mindset of the people towards health
          tional Digital Health Mission is sup-  probabilities of data leakage since it's  insurance.
          posed to specifically guard medical  very unrealistic to assume every fidu-  "We are seeing an uptick of 30 per cent
          data. This is built on the foundations of  ciary will be secure.     to 40 per cent in the health insurance
          legislation that doesn't exist. It also  Importantly, this data will be shared  business, especially from millennials
          seems to be more concerned about  with the government, and "agencies  and women who understand the sig-
          monetisation of such data, than with  designated   by   government".  nificance of health insurance now and
          the protection of privacy.        Anonymised or de-identified data will  are coming forward to buy it," said
          The proposed health policy refers to citi-  be made available in aggregated form  Arora. There has also been good inter-
          zens as "data principals"; hospitals and  for facilitating health and clinical re-  est and a marginal increase in sales for
          doctors are "health information provid-  search, academic research, archiving,  the Corona Kavach policy.
          ers"; government agencies are "health  statistical analysis, policy formulation,  "As per our data, the average claim
          information users". The policy envisages  the development and promotion of di-  size in Corona-specific covers is hover-
          an integrated data storage system.  agnostic solutions, etc.         ing around Rs. 2 lakh," he said.

          Records held by different service pro-  Average  Claims  size for    The data from Bajaj Allianz General
          viders will be in common formats and                                 Insurance also shows that the average
          linked  through  a  unique  health  ID Covid policies declines       claim size is close to Rs. 1.02 lakh.Non-
          (Aadhar or something new). The justi-  As the demand for Covid-19 specific  Covid claims, however, show a mixed
          fication: An integrated system with  Insurance policies is increasing, the  trend of showdown for some insurers
          common standards would allow easy  average claim size has been decreas-  while they begin to gain traction for
          access to medical history and make it  ing, according to health insurers.  others.

              The Insurance Times, October 2020
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