Page 16 - Insurance Times October 2020
P. 16

"In general, health insurance claims  The policies can now be extended for  "There is a lack of awareness on this
         for planned treatment have seen some  further  terms  of  3.5  months,  6.5  account  as  many patients  are  not
         deferment and will flow once the pan-  months or 9.5 months, up to 31 March  aware that insurance companies are
         demic situation improves," said Arora.  2021. According to the regulator, the  taking care of home quarantine treat-
                                            renewal can only be done before the  ments too. While we are expecting a
         Policyholders can renew            expiry of the existing policy contract,  rise in number of such claims later this
         covid-centric policy plans         and if the policy is renewed, the addi-  month or next month because the
                                            tional waiting period of 15 days will not
                                                                               claims can be filed in a month's time,
         till Mar 2021                      be imposed.                        in many cases, since the home quaran-
         IRDAIasked insurers to offer policyhold-  Insurers have also been allowed to  tine cost are low at around Rs 10,000-
         ers the option to renew, migrate or  change the sum insured by the policy-  Rs 20,000, many individuals are not
         port covid-19-specific health insurance  holder. For any increase, the waiting  even  going  for  making  claims,"
         schemes, Corona Rakshak and Corona  period will start afresh only for the  Nerurkar said.
         Kavach.                            enhanced portion of the sum insured.  IRDAI Chairman Subhash Khuntia said
         In June, IRDAI had allowed insurance  For individual Corona Kavach policies,  the insurance sector has for too long
         companies to offer standard fixed ben-  insurers can also offer migration to any  concentrated  on  tertiary  care  or
         efit-based  and  standard  indemnity  other indemnity-based health insur-  hospitalisation, and now there is a
         covid-19 health policies. The fixed-ben-  ance product.               need to focus more on primary and
         efit policy, Corona Rakshak, entails a                                secondary care, outpatient care, and
         lump sum benefit equal to 100% of the  IRDAI advises insurers to      move on to have preventive care.
         sum insured if the policyholder tests focus on preventive care        "We should look at home care facili-
         positive for covid-19 and requires hos-  Amidst no sign of reduction in Covid  ties. We don't need hospitalisation if
         pitalization for a minimum of 72 hours.  cases  andsubsequent  cost  of  home treatment is possible. This cost
         On payment of 100% of sum insured  hospitalisation rising, IRDAI has ad-  will come down. Insurance companies,
         the policy is terminated.          vised insurance players to change their  customers… everybody will benefit. We
         The indemnity policy, Corona Kavach,  focus from hospitalisation to preven-  have allowed video-based consultation.
         comes with a base cover and a cap on  tive care, especially home care and  We have also allowed wellness in insur-
         the sum insured at Rs.5 lakh. The mini-  outpatient treatment, and bring down  ance policies," Khuntia said at an indus-
         mum sum insured is Rs.50,000 and   the costs.                         try conference.
         policyholders could opt for a cover in  While  insurance  companies  have  Khuntia  said  IRDAI  has  allowed
         multiples of Rs.50,000. Both policies  started offering claims on Covid-re-  wellness and outpatient wellness and
         have tenures of 3.5, 6.5 or 9.5 months.  lated  home  quarantine  treatment  preventive features under a health in-
         Welcoming the IRDAI's move, Gurdeep  since July, industry insiders say such  surance  policy. According to IRDAI,
         Singh Batra, head-retail underwriting,  claims coming to insurance companies  empanelled hospitals and network pro-
         Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, said:  have not picked up so far despite a  viders can offer health services such as
         "The covid-19 vaccine is yet to come  large number  of people opting for  outpatient  consultations  or  treat-
         out and the purpose of these policies  home quarantine. Expecting a rise in  ments, pharmaceuticals, health check-
         is to mainly cover the treatment costs  claims for home quarantine treatment  ups/diagnostics including discounts un-
         against immediate health risks that  by  end  of  October  or  November,  der the health insurance policy. The
         people face due to the pandemic. Since  sources say that since home treatment  regulator said they can issue redeem-
         its launch, the covid-19 specific health  is not cashless and reimbursements  able vouchers to obtain health supple-
         policies have gained really good trac-  have to be filed by patients, it will hit  ments and redeemable vouchers for
         tion mainly because its short-term cov-  with a lag.                  membership in yoga centres, gymna-
         erage kicks in immediately."       On the slow takeoff of home quaran-  siums, sports clubs and fitness centres
         While releasing the guidelines, IRDAI  tine claims, Bhaskar Nerurkar, head of  for participating in fitness activities.
         had specified that lifelong renewabil-  Health claims at Bajaj Allianz General  Industry participants say that in the
         ity, migration and portability were not  Insurance said that it is on account of  case of home treatment for Covid, they
         applicable to the products. It has now  several factors including low aware-  would reimburse costs such as tele-
         modified the rules.                ness.                              consultation with the doctor, nursing
                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2020
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