Page 22 - Insurance Times October 2020
P. 22

pandemic, there is no better time to  Preserving biodiversity is a key element  community engagement activities will
          engage with prospective customers.”  of AXA’s corporate responsibility strat-  have a long-lasting impact on this ur-
                                            egy. AXA XL will play its part in deliver-  ban forest.”
          COVID-19 recession will           ing on this through this project, by
                                            helping to develop and monitor the COVID-19 will accelerate
          boost  price  comparison          land with the Give Me Trees Trust and  popularity of car-sharing
          sales                             also by assisting with fundraising for  schemes
          Price comparison websites (PCWs) will  raw materials like seeds, soil and gar-
          become even more popular in insur-  dening equipment.                COVID-19 lockdowns and an increase
                                                                               in working from home worldwide has
          ance as consumers look for savings  Project  Aranya,  which  launched  in  limited the need to own private ve-
          wherever possible as the UK economy  April, has already facilitated the plant-  hicles, which will cause more consum-
          officially enters recession, according to  ing of 5,000 trees, with socially-dis-  ers to consider new models of vehicle
          GlobalData,  a  leading  data  and  tanced site visits for AXA XL employees  ownership, says GlobalData, a leading
          analytics company.                planned in the coming weeks. A key  data and analytics company. This has
          PCWs are very popular among UK con-  aim of the project is to engage the lo-  implications for the insurance industry.
          sumers when purchasing insurance.  cal community and increase awareness  As more people turn to car-sharing
          GlobalData’s 2019 UK Insurance Con-  of sustainability, therefore the charity  schemes  for  their  transportation
          sumer Survey  found that 31.3%  of  will be hosting several webinars which  needs, this will reduce the number of
          motor insurance sales are directed  will be open to the public.      private motor insurance policies in
          through a PCW. Furthermore, PCWs  “Delhi has a significant issue with air  force. In their place, insurers will need
          account for 26.7% of home insurance  pollution and unsanitary water and this  to provide short-term policies for driv-
          sales and 22.3% of pet insurance sales.  initiative will help to keep ecosystems  ers using these services.
          While the direct channel is still the  healthy, creating a protected space  GlobalData insurance analyst, Yasha
          most popular across these three lines  where nature can thrive,” says Derek  Kuruvilla, commented: “The propor-
          of business, PCWs will gain ground as  Nazareth, Head of Global Operations  tion of consumers using car-sharing
          consumers seek the best deals for a  and Country Head, AXA XL in India.  schemes has been low over the past
          given insurance product.          “Conservation and sustainable develop-  few years. In 2019, 5.9% of UK consum-
                                            ment strategies are integral in preserv-  ers used a car-sharing scheme, up by
          AXA XL in India to plant          ing biodiversity, and this project, which  only 0.3 percentage points from 2017
                                                                               according to GlobalData’s UK Insur-
          30,000 trees and create a         has been driven by our Think Green  ance Consumer Surveys. However, the
                                            Team in India, is a great example of the
          Biodiversity Park in Delhi        positive local actions we can take to  greater number of individuals working
                                                                               from home on a regular basis will re-
          AXA XL in India has partnered with  deliver our global corporate responsi-  duce the need to own a private vehicle.
          charity, Give Me Trees Trust, to em-  bility goals.”                 This creates more opportunities for car-
          bark  on  an  ambitious  three-year  Mr. Nazareth adds: ‘I would personally  sharing firms like Zipcar and Turo to
          project to plant 30,000 trees and cre-  like to thank all our AXA XL colleagues  increase their customer base.”
          ate a biodiversity park in Jaunapur,  who have, despite COVID-19 restric-  Insurers that can partner with car-shar-
          Chhatarpur, New Delhi.            tion, continued to find ways to support  ing companies to offer insurance at
          A healthy biodiversity helps to break-  this initiative from home by growing  the time of booking will be much bet-
          down and absorb pollution and provide  saplings for the charity.”    ter placed to capitalize on the shift in
          resilience to climate change. The new  Swami Prem Parivartan also known as  consumer behavior.
          park in Delhi is expected to release  Peepal Baba, Founder, Give Me Trees  Kuruvila continues: “This creates more
          2,400,000 kgs  of  Oxygen  per  year,  Trust, adds: “AXA XL is working along-  opportunities for insurtechs - key play-
          with the fledgling forest becoming self-  side us as our corporate partner to  ers  in  the  usage-based  insurance
          sufficient after two years. Additionally,  develop not just a biodiversity park but  space. This change in behavior will be
          a healthy biodiversity helps with the  to create a whole new ‘sustainable’  concentrated in cities, where individu-
          management of ground water levels,  experience  for  its  employees.  The  als are able to conduct their daily busi-
          preventing flash flooding and enriches  Company’s fundraising campaign, vol-  ness without the use of a car and will
          the quality of the soil.          unteer involvement, workshops and  only need one occasionally.

              The Insurance Times, October 2020
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