Page 45 - Insurance Times October 2020
P. 45

contemplating on uberizing it to monetize by offering claims  and technology philosophies of the insurer. This variance
         adjuster as a service. For catering to the post-loss, insurers  could  be  too  complex  for  a  technology  like  artificial
         have traditionally created and operated an ecosystem. The  intelligence that exhibits different capabilities and comprises
         ecosystems are now becoming extensively digital, API-  several methods. Hence, there are many ways to design a
         driven, and cater to a whole gamut of services.      business function and an insurer could instantiateit in a
                                                              unique way.
         Emerging Technologies Reshaping Claims               Considering the application and adoption of the most

         Functions                                            popular technology of telematics by insurers. Most of the
         The growing technologies of convenience are enabling a  insurers are using telematics in underwriting and risk
         paradigm outside-in shift in the way processes are being  assessment to offer premium discounts, analyze driver
         redesigned. A digitally intensive transformation of the claims  behavior, offer usage-based pricing and proactively engage
         processes is enacted to increase the customer touch points,  to shape the driving behavior. However, some insurers are
         interactions,  participation,  and experience. The most  extending the use of telematics data in claims functions to
         popular  technologies  that  are  exploited are  IOT  and  analyze the driving signature for identifying ex-ante moral
                                                              hazards, trigger an automated loss reporting post-accident
         telematics in addition to algorithm dominated technologies  based  on  the  impact  data,  and  to  use  the  data  as
         such as machine learning, predictive analytics, and natural  corroborative evidence for simulating the accident scene for
         language processing (NLP). These are leading the pack for  identifying the proximate cause and to ascertain if the
         being extensively leveraged across the business processes  accident could have been prevented.
         in the claims value chain. However, when it comes to the
         business  processes,  the  maximum  experiments  and  An insurer could tweak a business process slightly with the
         implementations are seen in loss reporting, workflow,  help of a certain technology or completely overhaul it with
         investigation, prediction, estimation, and fraud detection.  the confluence of many. For example, considering loss
                                                              intimation, which is the most popular use case that is being
         A matrix depicting the emerging technologies and an  redesigned with emerging technologies, an insurer could
         indicative view of their experimentation or implementation  partially or fully automate the processes from loss intimation
         in the claim value chain is given below.             to  settlement  based  on  factors  such  as  frequency,
                                                              complexity, and severity. The decision by the management
                                                                                      on whether they want to build
                                                                                      a  human-out-of-the-loop,
                                                                                      human-in-the-loop, or human-
                                                                                      on-the-loop process will be a
                                                                                      major factor in the redesign.

                                                                                      A complete reimagination of
                                                                                      the customer claims journey
                                                                                      digitally from loss intimation to
                                                                                      settlement would involve the
                                                                                      following    technologies
                                                                                      orchestrating a symphony.

                                                                                      If an insurer chooses to provide
                                                                                      additional value-adds such as
                                                                                      offering roadside assistance,
                                                                                      identifying the best repairer
                                                                                      for each damage, providing
         Figure 3: Emerging Technologies in Claims Function   upfront settlement options for simple losses, or providing in-
                                                              kind  settlement  options  for  improvising  customer
         There are many ways in which a specific technology could  experience,  they  will  have  to  invoke  several  other
         be used to redesign the claims processes. How an individual  technologies in the process. In addition to core claims
         technology or a mix of multiple technologies is leveraged is  processes,  insurers  are  also  trying  to  experiment
         always determined by the business, operations, customer  technologies in functions such as workflow management,
                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2020
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