Page 48 - Insurance Times October 2020
P. 48

Through this option, your entire premium will be first  will be added to the Unit Linked Fund(s) at specific policy
          allocated  to the  Liquid  Fund and  then  systematically  intervals provided all due premiums till date have been paid.
          transferred on a monthly basis into any one of the Unit  These wealth boosters will be a percentage of the average
          Linked Funds - India Multi-Cap Equity Fund or Equity II Fund  fund value of last 60 monthly policy anniversaries.
          or Emerging Leaders Equity Fund as chosen by you.
                                                              Some of the key features of the plan:
          2. Return Protector Option (RPO)                    Return on Mortality Charge: An amount equal to the
          This option enables you to take advantage of the equity  total of all the Mortality Charges deducted during the Policy
          market by protecting your gains from the future equity  Term (excluding charges due to extra mortality risk) will be
          market volatility. Through RPO, starting from the 2nd policy  added to the Fund Value at the maturity date.
          year onwards, your gains made from an equity fund basis
          your  chosen  'Target  Appreciation'  are  automatically
          transferred to a lower risk Debt Fund. This way, your gains  Flexibility of Single Pay:  Single Premium Payment
          are protected from further market volatility.       Option added. Includes both 10x cover multiple and 1.25x
                                                              cover multiple.
          3. Auto Funds Rebalancing (AFR)
          If you wish to maintain the allocation of your investments  Systematic  withdrawal  Option:  A  pre-decided
          in a specific proportion across different Unit Linked Funds,  percentage ranging from 1% to 12% of the Fund Value will
          irrespective of market movements, you can do so through  be paid to the Policyholder at a chosen frequency for the
          Auto Funds Rebalancing. Once opted, after every 3 months,  remainder of the Policy Term. PPT has to be greater than
          it  automatically  rebalances  the  allocation  of  your  or equal to 10 years.
          investments in various Unit Linked Funds to the allocation
          proportions chosen by you.                          Milestone Withdrawal Option: For enhanced liquidity
                                                              at regular milestones.
          4. Safety Switch Option (SSO):
          As your policy nears maturity, you may want to avoid market  Premium Reduction: After payment of premiums for the
          movements and safeguard your funds. The Safety Switch  first five Policy Years, option to decrease the premium up
          Option enables you to move your funds systematically to a  to 50% of the original Annualized Premium.
          relatively low-risk Liquid Fund at the beginning of each of
          the last four policy years.                         Anuj Mathur, MD & CEO, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of
                                                              Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited says, "Canara
          Loyalty Additions                                   HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance has always
                                                              been on the forefront in innovating new policies with benefits
          This plan offers fund value related Loyalty Additions from  that are best in the given segment and suit the needs of
          the end of 5th policy year and every 5th year till the end of  customers.
          the Premium Payment Term provided all the due premiums
          are received till that time. The Loyalty Additions for each  The new Invest 4G plan is a product suited for new-age
          Unit Linked Fund will be equal to a percentage of the  digital buyers and has been overhauled to provide life
          average fund value of last 60 monthly policy anniversaries  insurance as well as multiple saving options fulfilling the
          for the respective Unit Linked Fund.                financial needs of individuals. We are confident that this
                                                              product, which comes with 3 options namely Life Option,
          Wealth Boosters                                     Care Option and Century Option, will cater to the new needs

          This plan also offers the additional allocation of units which  and life goals of our customers.

              The Insurance Times, October 2020
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