Page 51 - Insurance Times October 2020
P. 51

bring real insurance products to the customers and build a  Multiple Death Benefit Payout Option: Flexibility to
          safety net for their families. With this new term insurance  choose from 3 Death Benefit Payoutoptions : a) Lumpsum -
          plan, we would help the customers achieve their different  where 100% of Death Benefit is paid immediately b) Monthly
          life and financial goals and sharpen our focus on the pure  Income - where Death Benefit is paid as 1.04% of the Sum
          protection segment for increasing its share and boosting the  Assured as monthly income for 10 years c) Lumpsum plus
          long-term growth," Raja adds.
                                                              Monthly Income - where 50% of the Death Benefit is paid
                                                              immediately as lumpsum and the remaining 50% is paid as
          Bharti AXA Life Insurance helps the insured in ensuring that  0.93% of the Sum Assured as monthly income for 5 years.
          his/her family is financially secure even in his/her absence
          with a pure term insurance plan combined with an accident
          protection plan. The new term plan protects your loved ones  Increase the Sum Assured on important milestones:
          from the financial crisis.                          Flexibility for the customer to increase the Sum Assured
                                                              during the Policy Term by 50% of the Sum Assured chosen
          Premier Protect Plan gives you a term plan that fits your  at inception on 3 milestones - Marriage, Purchase of House,
          every need.                                         Birth of Child.

          Flexibility  in  Policy  Term/Premium  Payment Tax benefits: You  can avail  the  tax  benefits  on  the
          Terms: The plan offers the choice of multiple policy terms  premiums paid and the benefits received subject to the
          ranging from 10 years to 35 years and To Age 75 years with  prevailing provisions under Income Tax Act, 1961. The tax
          multiple premium payment terms (Single, Limited and  benefits are subject to change as per change in tax laws from
          Regular Pay Options)                                time to time.

                                        LIC HF posts record Sept biz

           LIC Housing Finance (LIC HF), the country's second-largest home loan company, has said new business last month has
           been the best for any September in its history. The company is also expecting to end the year with double-digit growth,
           given the smart recovery in applications, said MD & CEO Siddhartha Mohanty.
           "People are deciding to buy because there are so many incentives on offer by builders and state governments have
           reduced stamp duty. I believe the momentum will continue because of the festival season and we will have double-
           digit growth for the current financial year," said Mohanty.

           Mohanty was addressing newspersons to announce the appointment of Boston Consultancy Group (BCG) to help bring
           about a digital transformation to make it possible for borrowers to apply and obtain home loans through an end-to-
           end digital process. "We are investing in this project with long-term objectives that would generate more stakeholder
           value, expand geographies, thereby contributing to the economic growth of the country. Winning will require a new
           playbook. The ultimate objective is to organise and automate every facet of customer interaction to deliver elevated
           customer experience," said Mohanty.

                                DIPAM to determine shareholder value

           The Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM) will soon issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to
           appoint an actuary for determining the Indian Embedded Value (IEV) for Life Insurance Corporation of India. The IEV
           is a measure of the consolidated value of shareholders' interest in the life insurance business within the meaning of
           the Insurance Act, 1938, and applicable IRDAI regulations.
           "IEV is one of pre-condition of the IPO for LIC and that needs to be determined by an independent actuary," a top
           Finance Ministry official told. The official also said this is one of the processes being finalised along with other require-
           ments for IPO The official did not rule out the possibility of the IPO being shifted to the next fiscal.

           IRDAI regulations require an applicant company to file the 'Embedded Value' before an IPO. The valuation report
           needs to be prepared by an independent actuary and peer reviewed by another professional.

              The Insurance Times, October 2020
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