Page 53 - Insurance Times October 2020
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Introduction                                        and financial services industry, students pursuing courses in
          RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (RMAI) has     insurance and business management, small business owners
          been pioneering the efforts towards awareness on the  interested in insights on Risk Management can be immensely
          subject of Risk, creating academic and research environment  benefitted by this 8 Week 30 hour course.
          to empower the professionals in this highly competitive  Realizing the imminent need for industry/organizations to
          financial services and allied industry.             have more employees who possess RISK LITERACY along
                                                              with few experts, RMAI is committed to providing the right
          Keeping pace with the global challenges and emerging
          opportunities for Professionals post Covid, RMAI is proud to  foundation of risk-knowledge and market-insights with global
          launch the first-ever ONLINE Certificate Course on Risk  best practices.
          Management from India. There never has been a more  This certificate Course is a Joint Certification programme of
          crucial time to stand-out and be counted as a professional  Risk Management Association of India and Association of
          who is able to demonstrate the knowledge and ability to  Internal Control Practioners (THE AICP), London, UK. (https:/
          anticipate, respond and adapt to critical issues pertaining  /
          to risk.
                                                              Course Modules
          As Risk Management becomes central to today's business  Module -1- Introduction to Risk Management
          environment across the globe, there is a surge in demand
          for competent and expert risk management professionals  Module -2- Understanding Environment and Stakeholders
          to identify, assess, prioritize and develop a proper risk  Module -3- Risk Strategies and Corporate Governance
          management  framework  to  minimize  the  impact  on  Module -4- Risk Management Framework
                                                              Module -5- Risk Management Process
          Online Certificate Course on Risk Management is designed
          to expand your knowledge and understanding of managing  Module -6- Emerging Risk
          risks in a technology-enabled modern day dynamic business  Module -7- Types of risks
          environment.                                        Module -8- Models for Estimation of Risk

          Every Professional working in the area of risk management  Module -9- Project and Assessment

          Course Details

           Course Duration/ Time                 30 Hours / 8 Week
           Final Exam                            After 2 Months
           Mode of Delivery                      Online. E learning Modules
                                                 Two Live Query Sessions for Clearing the doubts.
                                                 Participants can also raise their query through mail/E Learning software
           EARN A CERTIFICATE                    Post successful completion of the course, Project and Assessment, you shall
                                                 EARN A CERTIFICATE in RISK MANAGEMENT jointly awarded by Risk
                                                 Management Association of India and AICP, London. You can use this
                                                 Certificate across your Professional network and share with current/
                                                 prospective employers
              The Insurance Times, October 2020
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