Page 25 - The Insurance Times June 2020
P. 25

For those choosing formal providers, while the propensity  healthcare provider, insurance company, drug companies and
         to seek private care remained about the same (26.1 vs. 25.4,  the hospital).
         respectively) for programme and control groups, there
         appears to be some important differences when it came to  A Holistic Design
         choose between government and NGO providers. In fact,
                                                              Design of an innovative health insurance scheme involves
         lacking access to NGO care, which was utilised by about 5.1
                                                              complex activities like product design and pricing, product
         per cent of the programme patients, control subjects chose
                                                              sales and distribution including marketing and monitoring
         government care instead (12.5 vs. 9.8 in the programme  clients' satisfaction, technical management (membership,
                                                              premium and claims), financial management, management
                                                              of agreements with the network of health care providers,
         Micro health insurance in Bangladesh:                drug companies, and risk bearing.

         innovation in design, delivery and
                                                              This scheme is a unique holistic model of health insurance
         distribution channel                                 which has assembled all relevant parties to ensure universal
         In Bangladesh the poor and middle class families face wider  health coverage for all the households. This model can be
         ranges of risks like illness and injury which often causes  viewed as a variant of partner agent model where a third
         death. To address those health risks, the community usually  party leveraging its expertise mediates with the partners
         adopt various self-insurance devices like using up liquid  and carry out the functional activities.
         savings, informal borrowing, even disposing of productive
         assets and the like.                                 Under this model, a chain of mutual interactions among
                                                              various partners has been arranged. As already stated, the
         We have also found that poor and middle class families often  third-party organisation plays the pivotal role in the
         heavily dependent on microcredit for quick risk mitigation.  functioning of the model through proper coordination of the
         In addition, some ex-ante activities (e.g., income   entire process involving many partners. Accordingly, a unit
         diversification and investing in lower risk assets) may  office (consisting of a pilot project manager, a pilot project
         themselves increase the risks of future poverty (i.e.,  officer, an MIS officer and some field staff) has been set up
         vulnerability), while the ex-post strategies (e.g., disposing  in the hospital premises to serve the clients and
         of productive assets) may lead to persistent or deepening  policyholders.
                                                               Structure of and partner of the Scheme:
         In the absence of well-targeted safety net measures, poorest
         end up relying largely on self-insurance devices to mitigate
         risks with high implicit premiums. Evidence reveals that
         health is the dominant category of shocks experienced by
         the poor in Bangladesh and annually households spend about
         five per cent of total expenditure to meet out-of-pocket
         (OOP) health care expenses.

         There is also evidence that OOP payments is increasing in
         each year. Therefore, countries like Bangladesh need to start
         afresh with innovative means of raising funds for the
         provision of health care.

         Micro Health Insurance (MHI) is one such innovation, which
         relies on pooling the risk as well as the available resources
         for the provision of affordable care.

         In order to design innovative health insurance scheme a
         holistic approach is required for identification and
         congregation of all relevant stakeholders (e.g., government,

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