Page 28 - Banking Finance September 2020
P. 28


         Key Challenges faced by Businesses &                 do the business. The use of digital infrastructure playing a
                                                              major role. By the way of virtual assistance, the educational
         Economies                                            institute has started classes through digital platform.
         With the pandemic bringing business & industries to a halt
         because of the nationwide lockdown in most of the    Digital Infrastructure & virtual assistance- In the field of
         countries, promoters are storming their brain how to  training & development also the virtual trainings are
         continue the business in these circumstances. Whether we  replacing the physical classroom training, where no
         need to wait for government lift the lockdown or need to  movement of the students is required and simply by sitting
         search some alternatives for survival? The business &  at their home they can take the advantage of the online
         industries those are having enough core strength to survive,  trainings. The online retail chains are now having an added
         that we call here as business immunity, they have a room  advantage. They are already having an enough digital
         to wait for lifting the lockdown.                    infrastructure, now with some relaxation in the lockdown
                                                              they have started to supply the grocery and other ordered
         But many business particularly small retailers and the small-
                                                              items on the apps and websites.
         scale industries, those are employment intensive industries
         having a direct impact on overall economy, these cannot be  In the Media & entertainment industry, OTT platforms like
         put on hold for a long time. For this reason, governments in
                                                              Hot Star, Netflix and Amazon Prime have seen a significant
         many countries has decided to relax the lockdown in steps.  increase in usage. The media houses & the producers are
         Indian government also has also decided to relax the
                                                              presenting content through these OTT platforms and it is
         lockdown with certain restriction to restart the business  very popular also. The relaxation has not been given to
         activities that are in hold after the nationwide lockdown.
                                                              multiplex yet, and the film industry is feeling pressure. At
                                                              this point of time few producers have decided to release the
         The key challenges that the businesses are           films on OTT platforms. COVID-19 has enforced upon us a
         facing during the pandemic are-                      digital transformation. The IT industries have adopted the
         Y   Forming the strategies for moving forward in the  concept of Work from home and that model is best suited
             restricted environment.                          to the industry like information technology.

         Y   Adopting the business model with digital infrastructure.
                                                              The feasibility check - Before adopting a business model it
         Y   Safety and well being of their employees.        is very important to check the feasibility of that business
         Y   Keeping a healthy mind-set with all around negativity.  model because the market conditions are changing
                                                              continuously. The cost and benefit analysis is also having a
         Y   Keeping the workforce motivated & engaged.
                                                              great importance before adapting any business model.
         Y   Disruption in the supply chain.                  Business need to evaluate the impact on the sales &
         Y   Decrease in demand due to all around lock down.  revenues with a new model.

         Despite all these challenges, one thing is certain that the  Remote working and Work from Home (WFM) - Businesses
         business must go on. Business & economic activities should  are facing the challenges from ensuring safety of employees
         continue and to ensure continuity, industries have been  for restoring of the supply chain. They have to seek
         forced to reconsider their moves & strategies, forced to  possibilities of remote working with the help of technology
         adopt new business model, forced to make themselves fit  and digital infrastructure. The organizations, those who had
         for survival and that is exactly Charles Darwin has said- "The  enough digital infrastructure before the Covid 19, they can
         concept of survival of fittest".                     perform better than their peers and the companies.

         The changing business Model                          Those who do not have a digital infrastructure with online
         The industries such as retail, education, media &    presence, are struggling. Since, it is difficult to predict how
         entertainment and information technology witness a sea  long this epidemic will last, it is important to be prepared
         change in their business model and in the way, they used to  for all scenarios. Businesses need to make alternative plans

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