Page 29 - Banking Finance September 2020
P. 29


         and reconfigure the business strategy to reduce the  way that how we deal with the customers. Employees of
         expenses.                                            the various organization also need to be reskilled with the
                                                              ability to work in this digital environment. A continuous and
         But problems are common for all, we need to think out of  lifelong learning has now become the need. Here too, the
         the box to make the things happen for immediate business  mind-set& attitude of the employees plays an important role
         continuity. Again, we have to learn the lessons to prepare  to make them ready to work within the changing
         our self for post Covid business world.              environment.

         The immunity check of business                       When any organization is going to implement change and

         In the human body, immune system fights many of the  going to adapt new business model for survival, the immune
         harmful infections & diseases so that the body can function  system of the organization plays very important role. Their
         normally. Similar to human body, businesses too have  core strength & know how, their digital infrastructure and
         immune system. The immune system of an organization is  the mind-sets of the employees are the key drivers in the
         developed by the system, procedures and the mind-sets.  process of transformation. How immune the organization
         The immunity of the business refers to the inner core  is, decides the survival of the organization.
         strength of business that protect the business in difficult
         times. The continuity of the business largely depends on the  The Invest India Business Immunity Program of Indian
         immunity of the business.                            Government - The government has also been trying to infuse
                                                              immunity by way of various stimulus packages to save the
         How to develop immunity in business - The ingredients that  businesses. Government has launched Invest India business
         develop the immunity in business differs from business to  immunity platform. It is the platform which provides the real
         business, it may be the capital infused, it may be the  time information to the business & investors about the
         technical know-how of the business, it may be the market  various initiatives related to India's fight against the
         and it may be the business model of that particular business.  coronavirus pandemic. It is a much needed and very
         The question here is that how compatible the business is, in  important initiative in this difficult time for business and
         such type of pandemic conditions and which factors are  investors.
         going to support your business. Now one thing that we have
         learnt here during this coronavirus pandemic is that the  This platform also provides the information related to
         business should be enough immune to face such type of  business decision taken to help various sectors of the
         shock.                                               economy by the concerned ministries. This also provides
                                                              various solutions related to business like how to protect
         In this difficult time when all the super markets and malls  workforce from coronavirus and supply of goods and services.
         are closed the small kinara shops performed well to fulfil the  These initiatives of the government will help businesses to
         public daily need. Similarly, when the big factories are on  turn around and come out from this crisis with more inner
         hold, the small business that can be handled from home,  strength and more immunity.
         have performed well. Digitalization and the automation are
         another way to enhance the immunity of the business.  Creation of supportive environment by
         Wherever the automation can be done, it should be.
         Wherever the digital infrastructure is needed, it should be  the government
         provided. Now businesses need to immunize themselves  The Government Initiatives- Government of India has
         against future shocks.                               announced Self -reliant Movement (Atmanirbhar Bharat
                                                              Abhiyan) to boost the business & economy, which focuses
         Digital customer Interaction - Covid 19 has changed the way  on Economy, Infrastructure, system, Vibrant demography
         we were interacting with our customers. Social distancing  and demand. A comprehensive package of Rs. 20.97 lack
         & work from home has become the norms now and we have  crore shave been announced to cater to various sections
         to deal and interact with customers within these norms only.  including cottage industry, MSMEs, labourers & middle class.
         Virtual assistance & online support now have become the  Many initiatives have been taken by the Government and

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