Page 34 - Banking Finance September 2020
P. 34




         FOR URBAN CO-





                                                              of depositors and accordingly, most of the jurisdictions,
           A deposit insurance coverage up to ? 0.10 million per
                                                              globally, have deposit guarantee schemes for bank
           depositor is applicable for all banks in India, but there is
                                                              depositors. However, a deposit guarantee scheme provides
           no umbrella or central organization, or any institutional
           scheme for resolution, restoration, or protection for the  a restricted coverage, does not ameliorate risks at an
           co-operative banks, especially the Urban Co-operative  institutional level, and does little to protect a bank from
           Banks (UCBs). The co-operative Banking in Germany with  delinquency and bankruptcy. Moreover, notwithstanding the
                                                              quality and effectiveness of a deposit guarantee scheme,
           its unique institutional protection scheme through an
                                                              bank customers do face inconvenience, difficulty, and losses
           umbrella organization could be worth examination and
           replication in India.                              in case a bank's financial position deteriorates.
                                                              This is far more important for cooperative banks which play
         Introduction                                         an important role in providing banking services and meeting
         Inherent risks in banking and fiduciary responsibility of banks  the credit needs of the retail, small and medium scale
         towards their depositors necessitate a system of protection  borrowers, as these face greater challenges due to their
                                                              comparatively smaller size, governance issues, regional
                                About the author              functioning, and limited access to the funding market.

                          Dr Ashish Srivastava                Structure of Co-operative Banking in
                          College of Agricultural Banking,    India
                          Reserve Bank of India               The primary co-operative banks, popularly known as Urban
                          Pune                                Co-operative Banks (UCBs) in India are registered as co-

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