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NPCI collaborates with CSC eGov to launch Aadhaar Enabled
                           Payment System

                             National Payments                    eGov", said Shri A. P. Hota, MD & CEO, NPCI.

                             Corporation of India                 Shri R. R. Singh, Head, Operations of CSC EGov said that it
                                                                  has been envisaged to cover the entire Puducherry with over
                             (NPCI), the umbrella                 60 CSC locations by the end of March 2016. The model will
                                                                  be replicated to all 1,40,000 CSC EGov locations the country
                             organisation for all                 in a phased manner. Shri Singh told that they plan to increase
                                                                  the number of CSCs to 2,50,000 in an years time to ensure
                             retail payment                       that each gram panchayat has been covered and customers
                                                                  of banks get the service in their vicinity. He also added that
                             systems in the                       Ariyankuppam CSC is the Business Correspondent of IndusInd
                                                                  Bank as CSC EGov outlets provide banking services as an agent
                             country  has                         of the Bank.

                             collaborated with                    Aadhaar enabled Payment System is safe, secure and an easy
                                                                  to use payment platform. The customers can avail the benefit
                             CSC e-Governance                     by using Aadhaar number and finger prints. This system is
                                                                  based on the demographic and biometric/iris information of
                             Services India                       an individual, which eliminates the threat of any fraud and
                                                                  non-genuine activity. Aadhaar will facilitate ‘anytime,
Limited to launch Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS)           anywhere, anyhow’ authentication to its beneficiary.

at locations where CSC eGov has been acting as Business           This system facilitates disbursement of government
                                                                  entitlements like NREGA, Social Security pension,
Correspondent of banks. The service was inaugurated at            Handicapped Old Age Pension etc. of any Central or State
                                                                  Government bodies, using Aadhaar and authentication
Ariyankuppam Grama Panchayat, Puducherry by Shri V.               thereof as supported by UIDAI.

Sabapathy, Speaker of Puducherry Legislative Assembly in the

presence of Shri Balachandran M., Chairman, NPCI and Shri

A. P. Hota, MD & CEO, NPCI.

Shri Balachandran M. pointed out that the CSC service outlets
which were hither to provide citizen services of various types,
would now be able to offer financial services too on digital
platform by partnering with banks in a much bigger way. The
thrust would be on under-banked and unbanked locations in
the country. "CSC eGov can play a crucial role in combining
the financial inclusion programme with Digital India
programme and NPCI is proud to be associated with CSC

RuPay empowers Co-operative Bank customers in Odisha

National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), the umbrella       India (RBI) in offering a domestic card payment system to all
organization for all retail payment systems in the country has    banks and financial institutions in India. It is playing an
empowered customers of Odisha State Cooperative Bank and          instrumental role in creating a less-cash economy and
its 17 District Central Co-Operative Banks (DCCBs) with RuPay     developing the electronic payment systems in India.
Debit Card. This development covers 334 branches of rural         Currently, about 600 Banks have issued over 240 Million
co-operative sector in Odisha.                                    RuPay Debit Cards. All cards under the Pradhan Mantri Jan-
                                                                  Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) project are RuPay branded cards issued
All the 18 banks are empowered to issue 'Classic' as well as      by all banks under the scheme.
the 'Kisan' version of RuPay Debit Cards. Customers of Odisha
state can now use RuPay across all channels of card payment       “The association with NPCI to become a part of their
like ATMs, Point of Sales (PoS) terminals, E-commerce portals.    Payment Gateway along with all the affiliated DCCBs has
                                                                  helped the Bank in a big way to consolidate its clientele base.
“This is a significant step for RuPay to reach the customers      The Bank has also started digitizing Kisan Credit Cards as
in rural areas and a step towards achieving financial inclusion.  RuPay Smart Cards to benefit around 45 lakh farmer
We have strategically covered Odisha State under the ambit        members of the Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit
of RuPay to create a less-cash society,” said Mr. A.P. Hota.      Societies,” said Mr. T.K. Panda, MD, Odisha State Co-
                                                                  operative Bank.
Similar initiative was executed in Punjab earlier this month.
RuPay is conceived to fulfil the vision of the Reserve Bank of

BANKING FINANCE |                                                 FEBRUARY | 2016 | 33

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