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RuPay gaining currency Irks Visa and MasterCard                                    Public banks lose market

US card companies MasterCard and          Ari Sarker, co-president, Asia Pacific,  share, thanks to private
Visa have complained of an invisible      MasterCard, said his company wants
mandate to keep them out of Jan Dhan      to get an equal opportunity to           banks
Yojana, the government's fi-
nancial inclusion programme,                          participate in Jan Dhan      The Brickwork Ratings agency, in its
and demanded a level playing                          Yojana, touted by the gov-   first Bank Book, estimated that pub-
field with government-backed                          ernment as the world's big-  lic sector banks (PSBs) have lost mar-
card issuer RuPay.                                    gest financial inclusion     ket share by about two per cent and
                                                      programme.                   the same has been gained by private
                                                                                   sector banks in FY15. Private sector
Stung by a sharp rise in cards issued by  He added that banks are aware of         banks are gradually gaining market
RuPay, thanks to Jan Dhan, MasterCard     their cost but cannot do anything as     share at the expense of public sec-
and Visa say they have asked Reserve      there appears to be a mandate in         tor banks, according to the
Bank and the government to consider       favour of RuPay. "The market is not      Bengaluru-based credit rating
their services, which are cheaper than    open and competitive in its entirety,    agency.
that of the local card issuer.            only in parts," Sarker said.
                                                                                   If the current growth trends con-
IDBI Bank to sell a 20% stake in Life In-                                          tinue for another three years, by
                                                                                   FY18, Brickwork Ratings' estimate is
surance                                                                            that PSBs share would have come
                                                                                   down to about 71 per cent, and the
IDBI Bank has begun to monetise assets and bolster its                             entire gain will be of the private
capital as it plans to sell a 20% stake in its life insurance                      banks. In contrast, the private banks
venture for Rs.800 crore valuing the firm at Rs.4,000 crore.                       have accredited themselves quite
                                                                                   well by avoiding lending to problem
861 bank fraud cases reported in first half of the fiscal                          sectors such as infrastructure and
                                                                                   steel, lending short-term rather than
already                                                                            long term and focus on retail loans.

As many as 861 bank advance related fraud cases of Rs. 1 lakh                      Vivek Kulkarni, MD, Brickwork Rat-
and more were reported in the first half of the current fiscal                     ings, said this has resulted in a clear
which involved Rs. 4,920 crore. Last fiscal, 1,651 such cases were                 situation where the PSBs not only lose
reported that involved Rs. 11,083.11 crore, Minister of State                      market share, but also potentially lose
for Finance Jayant Sinha said. "On receipt of fraud reports from                   good and profitable business.
banks, various aspects related to the frauds are examined and
concerned banks are advised to report the case to CBI/ Police/ Serious Fraud
Investigation Office and take further action," Sinha added.

BANKING FINANCE |                                                                  FEBRUARY | 2016 | 5

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