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Silver line missing in                    RBI allows banks to sell 'India Gold Coins'
Rs.1000 notes; probe
started                                   Reserve Bank has permitted banks to       lion is also being manufactured by
                                          sell India Gold Coins (IGC) with Ashok    MMTC.
A three-member committee is con-          Chakra minted by MMTC through their
ducting an inquiry into the printing      branches. It has been de-                             Under the Gold
of a large number of faulty notes of      cided to allow designated                             Monetisation Scheme
Rs 1,000 denomination at the Cur-         banks to sell the IGCs manu-                          (GMS), 2015, banks will col-
rency Note Press in Nashik.               factured by MMTC, RBI said                            lect gold for up to 15 years
                                          in a notification.                                    to auction them off or lend
It is being discussed that the RBI had                                                          to jewellers from time to
placed an order for 500 million           MMTC has clarified that the gold used     time. Depositors will earn up to 2.50
notes, out of which 300 million were      for the IGC will be only mobilised do-    per cent interest per annum, a rate
printed. Among them, one among            mestically under the existing Gold De-    lower than bank deposits.
three or four notes had the silver line   posit Scheme (GDS) and Gold Moneti-
missing. This was revealed after the      zation Scheme (GMS).                      With the objective to bring down physi-
notes were set in circulation.                                                      cal buying of gold, the Sovereign Gold
The Currency Note Press prints notes      Coins are available in denominations of   Bonds Scheme was launched that of-
of Rs10, Rs100, Rs500 and Rs1,000 de-     5 and 10 grams while a 20 gram bul-       fers 2.75 per cent annual interest rate.
nomination, while the paper with se-
curity features on it is taken from the   RBI, SEBI to launch awareness campaign on fraudu-
public sector paper mill of the Security                  lent companies in Punjab
Printing and Minting Corporation of
India Ltd (SPMCIL) at Hoshangabad,        RBI and SEBI will collaborate with        Punjab State Legislative Assembly, said
and some of it is imported.               Punjab Government to launch citizen       the Chief Secretary. This is aimed to
Even as the number of faulty notes        awareness campaigns about fraudu-         safeguard the interests of general
is projected to be very large, chair-     lent financial companies and also to      public against frauds by the Financial
man and managing director of              train police officials about manage-      Establishments, he said.
SPMCIL MS Rana said, "The RBI has         ment of economic offences. This was
reported of 190 such notes. We have       discussed in detail in State Level Coor-  Also, for better coordination between
set up an inquiry to find out what has    dination Committee (SLCC) of RBI held     RBI, IRDA, NHB, SEBI and the Punjab
gone wrong."                              under the chairmanship of Sarvesh         Government, the websites of these
The RBI reported this fault to the        Kaushal, Chief Secretary Punjab. "The     agencies have been integrated, he
SPMCIL on information provided to it      Punjab Protection of Interest of De-      said. "This will help citizens access all
by the banks. The SPMCIL then insti-      positors (In Financial Establishment)     the relevant financial information on a
tuted a three-member inquiry com-         Bill, 2015" has been passed by the        single window portal," he added.
mittee, members of which have vis-
ited the units at Hoshangabad and         RBI to issue Rs 10 coins on Ambedkar's 125th birth
Nashik. The committee will submit its
report in the next few days.              anniversary

                                          Reserve Bank of India said it will soon   the coin will bear the Lion Capitol of
                                          issue Rs 10 coins to commemorate the      Ashoka Pillar in the centre with the
                                          occasion of 125th birth anniversary of    legend 'Satyamev Jayate' inscribed
                                          B R Ambedkar.                             below, flanked on the left periphery
                                                                                    with the word 'Bharat' in Devnagri
                                          "The Government of India has minted       script. And on the right periphery with
                                          Rs 10 coins to commemorate the oc-        the word 'India' in English and it shall
                                          casion of 125th birth anniversary of Dr   also bear the Rupee symbol and de-
                                          B R Ambedkar which the Reserve Bank       nominational value '10' in the interna-
                                          will shortly put into circulation," the   tional numerals below the Lion Capitol,
                                          apex bank said in a notification.         RBI said.

                                          On the design details, the obverse of

BANKING FINANCE |                                                                   FEBRUARY | 2016 | 9

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