P. 13
Public, pvt sectors must join hand for healthcare U-WIN cards for 40 cr un-
solutions: Sinha organized labourers
Underlining that the government has oping nations. "What we need to do is The Centre will soon issue smart
limited fiscal space, to come up with an innovative frame- cards to 40 crore
minister of state for work that enables us to do the best with workers in the
finance Jayant Sinha limited resources," Sinha said. unorganised sector
called for the public in the country,
and private sectors Seeking solutions from the private sec- Union Minister of
to join hands to tor on the issue, Sinha said the govern- State for Labour
chalk out an innova- ment is open to ideas. "Our fiscal space Bandaru Dattatreya said.
is linked….so what we can do, we are
tive framework towards delivering bet- very open, we recognise our limita- "We are concentrating on 40 crore
ter healthcare solutions. tions, and we want to work in a col- unorganised labourers of the coun-
laborative fashion to solve this difficult try. Shortly, we are going to launch
In India, public spending on health is 6% problems," he said. a Social Security Card for all these
of GDP, one of the lowest among devel- unorganised workers with a U- WIN
(Unorganised Worker Identification
Central's public debt rises 21% q-o-q in July-Sep Number) card," he told.
The public debt of the central govern- Report on Debt Management for July- Rail contracts by e-ten-
ment provisionally rose 2.1% in the September 2015.
July-September period this fiscal on a dering for transparency:
quarterly basis. The total public debt "This represented a quarter-on-quarter
(excluding liabilities under the 'public (q-o-q) increase of 2.1% (provisional) Prabhu
account') of the government in- compared with an increase of 3.2% in
creased to Rs. 54.12 trillion at the end the previous quarter (first quarter of All contracts in railways are in the
of September, from Rs. 53.01 trillion at 2015-16)," it said. Internal debt consti- form of e-tenders
the end of June, said the Quarterly tuted 92.1% of public debt compared now with the
with 92.3% in the previous quarter. aim of bringing
Nabard to administer climate change management
"The work is un-
fund derway to re-
vamp PPP (private-public partnership)
The National Bank for Agriculture and Framework Convention on Climate cell within the ministry of railways
Rural Develop- Change (UNFCCC). with an objective to streamline pro-
ment (Nabard) is cesses to enhance transparency. All
to be groomed to It is therefore, a 'national legal entity' contracts would be based on e-ten-
supervise and recognised by the UNFCCC board as dering by end of 2015," railway min-
control a dedi- meeting specific fiduciary standards. It ister Suresh Prabhu had said at the
cated climate bears full responsibility for overall man- PPP summit organized by the Con-
change manage- agement of the projects and federation of Indian Industry (CII).
programmes financed by the GCF. It also
ment fund. It is ideally suited, too, since has all financial, monitoring and report- According to the railway ministry,
28 per cent of its cumulative disburse- ing responsibilities, Bhosale added. the e-procurement process has al-
ments are linked to climate change ready been started in the public
adaptation and mitigation, says VK The purpose of the GCF is to make a transporter and all contracts would
Bhosale, General Secretary, All-India significant and ambitious contribution be materialized through the e-ten-
Nabard Employees Association. to global efforts towards attaining the dering system soon.
goals set by the international commu-
Nabard has already been accredited as nity to combat climate change.
the first 'national implementing entity'
of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) estab- According to Bhosale, these initiatives
lished under the United Nations call for huge financial resources.
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