P. 14




New Bill to amend Bankruptcy Laws under process                                       Compensation must reach

The government has taken initiative      to recover money in the event of cor-        to land owners within 5
towards a bill to consolidate and        porate default.
amend all laws relating to in-                                                        years
solvency resolution so as to                      The proposed revamp of the
tackle the issue of undue de-                     insolvency system is expected       The Supreme Court declared in its
lays. The Bill has been intro-                    to encourage entrepreneur-          judgment in
duced as a money Bill in the Lok                  ship, improve India's ease of       Rattan Singh
Sabha by Finance Minister                         doing business ranking, and fa-     vs Union of
Arun Jaitley.                                     cilitate more investments.          India case
                                                                                      that if com-
The proposed legislation - the Insol-    For consolidation, the Bill seeks to         pensation is
vency and Bankruptcy Code 2015 - fixes   amend as many as 12 existing laws, in-       not paid to land owners for a long
a time limit of 180 days, extendable by  cluding the Companies Act 2013, the          time the acquisition will lapse. In this
a further 90 days, for completion of     Income-Tax Act, and the Payment and          case, the acquisition was notified in
the corporate insolvency-resolution      Settlement Systems Act 2007.                 1959 and the award was given in
process.                                                                              1968. However, the land owners did
                                         Insolvency professionals will assist in      not get the compensation.
The current system is takes anywhere     the resolution, liquidation and bank-
between five and 15 years for lenders    ruptcy proceedings envisaged in the          The government's stand was that
                                         code.                                        the amount was lying with the col-
                                                                                      lector and no one claimed it. Reject-
Excise duty to exclude pre-delivery inspection and af-                                ing this contention, the Supreme
                                                                                      Court stated that,"compensation
ter-sales charges                                                                     was neither paid to them nor depos-
                                                                                      ited in the appropriate court. The
The Supreme Court has dismissed a large number of appeals moved by the Com-           retention of it by the Land Acquisi-
                    missioner of Central Excise and held that pre-delivery inspec-    tion Collector till such time as they
                    tion charges and after-sales service charges would not be in-     applied for it would not amount to
                    cluded in the assessable value of motor vehicles for purposes     compensation being paid to them."
                    of excise duty.
                                                                                      The court also noted that under the
                    The excise tribunals had taken contrary views on this issue and,  new land acquisition law of 2013, five
                    therefore, the question was referred to the appellate tribunal.   years is the limit to complete the
It held in favour of the revenue authorities maintaining that the definition of       take-over.
'transaction value' would cover the two charges. In those cases, the manufac-
turers also came before the Supreme Court. In the common judgment, CCE vs
TVS Motors Ltd, the apex court overruled the appellate tribunal view.

14 | 2016 | FEBRUARY                                                                  | BANKING FINANCE

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