P. 17
Building height clearance Hyderabad realty sale mounts to 67%
now a click away in Housing sales in Hyderabad rose 67 per sonable price rise. "As the city moved
cent to 7,000 units during the period past the global financial crisis and later,
Bhubaneswar between October 2014 and September the formation of Telangana, develop-
2015 on improved demand from both ers are no longer holding back launches
Clearance for construction of build- end-users and investors after forma- and buyers are also returning to the
ings, chimneys, power transmission tion of Telangana, says a report by market," a report said.
property consultant JLL India.
towers and JLL said there has been a significant
high mast "After creation of new Telangana state increase in the number of units
lights from and Hyderabad's status
the airport as joint capital, the end- launched. In the last three
authorities users demand as well as quarters alone, launches
can be ob- investors sentiment has have picked up strongly, in-
tained online from now on. The real improved, resulting in an creasing by more than 1.5
estate developers, factory owners, increase in sales," JLL India national di- times since last year.
civic bodies and energy department rector-research Ashutosh Limaye said
will be benefitted from this develop- when asked about the rise in sales de- The capital values have also witnessed
ment. spite overall slowdown in the real es- a significant rise in Hyderabad of about
tate market. Going forward, he said, 5-10 per cent year-on-year, after many
Height clearance is an important sales would remain robust with a rea- years of seeing sub-5 per cent rate of
component of aircraft safety as appreciation.
buildings, which have more than per-
missible height, can pose danger to RBI: housing prices hiked in July-September
RBI declared that housing prices rose Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru,
The Airports Authority of India (AAI) in many cities across the country dur- Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kanpur
has devised a software called No Ob- ing the quarter ended September and Kochi, Delhi witnessed the maxi-
jection Certificate Application System 2015. mum rise with nearly 21.9 per cent
(NOCAS) 2.0 inaugurated by Union
civil aviation minister S. Gajapathi The all-India housing price in- increase in prices during the
Raju. It will enable the applicants to dex increased to 219.5 in the quarter over the last year.
seek permission for height clearance second quarter of 2015-16
online, check status and get ap- from 215.3 in the first quar- However, the housing price
proval. ter of mainly due to increase index decreased in Kolkata,
in the house price index (HPI) Kochi and Bengaluru during
Before the invention of the software, of Delhi, Ahmedabad and the second quarter of this
the applicants had to manually apply Chennai, the RBI said in a statement. fiscal from the previous quarter. "Year-
for the clearance. The airport au- on-Year growth for HPI-All India further
thorities then used to evaluate the While prices increased by 13.7 per cent declined to 13.7 per cent in Q2 of
height, mentioned by the applicants, during the quarter compared with 2015-16 (14.5 per cent in Q1 of 2015-
is permissible or not. year-ago period, the annual growth 16 and 17.5 per cent in Q4 of 2014-15)
rate has slowed down, according to the mainly due to decline of year-on-year
The NOCAS Version 2.0 has been de- RBI report. growth of HPI of Kolkata, Jaipur and
veloped by AAI and the system has Lucknow," the RBI said.
user-friendly automated features. Among the 10 major cities - Mumbai,
Colour Coded Zoning Maps (CCZM) of
12 cities, including Bhubaneswar, and RCom sells 150 flats to repay debt
four metros are there in the system.
The system will automatically calcu- Reliance Communications (RCom) has sold nearly 150 residential flats at its Sea
late the permissible height with the Woods complex in Navi Mumbai, marking the monetisation of its surplus real
help of CCZM. estate, for about Rs. 330 crore. The company, controlled by billionaire Anil
Ambani, will use the proceeds to repay debt. RCom has already received more
than 50 per cent of the sale proceeds, and the balance amount will be realised
during the current financial year. The remaining will come only after the comple-
tion of documentation.
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