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Co-operative banks should be given financial assistance                                 Agrasen Coop Bank to

P Balakrishnan, general secretary, All      "Co-operative banks are larger in num-      open 3 more branches
India Co-operative Bank Employees           ber than the commissioned banking sys-
Federation is of the view that "Due to      tem. Even after that our resources and      Agrasen Co-Operative Urban Bank is
political benefits of the leaders, co-op-   deposits are one-tenth of the banks         on expansion mode as it is set to add
erative banks in our country                                                            three more branches by March this
are still struggling for their                            that are operational in In-   fiscal taking its network of branches
existence".                                               dia. Financial assistance is  to seven.It is a leading co-operative
                                                          extremely important for       bank in Hyderabad.
Balakrishnan,also said, "No-                              the banks to function prop-
body is coming forward for                                erly. The primary co-opera-   Pramod Kumar Kedia, Chairman of
the revival of co-operative                               tive banks and rural devel-   Agrasen Bank, in a statement said,
banks in India. State government            opment banks in state must be encour-       “We at Agrasen Bank have set a tar-
should evolve policies if the bank is fac-  aged so that they will become more ag-      get of an additional Rs. 200 crore
ing losses."                                gressive in their operations," he added.    business during this financial year.
                                                                                        We have designed an intensive cam-
Janata Sahakari Bank launches RuPay Debit Card                                          paign and are optimistic about
                                                                                        achieving the target.”
The Janata Sahakari Bank has recently launched the RuPay Debit Card which
                         facilitates the customers to make payments without car-        The bank closed last financial year
                         rying money. RuPay Debit card can be used as an ATM Card       with a turnover of Rs. 412.58 crore
                         at all ATMs all over India and can be swapped for purchases    and first nine months this fiscal
                         at any of the POS terminals. It can be used at Restaurants,    ended December 31, 2015, with Rs.
                         Malls and Shops, to make online payments of Electricity        431 crore. By the end of the next fi-
                                                                                        nancial year (2016-17), the bank is
Bills, Telephone Bills etc. It is easy and safe to use and can be utilised all over     targeting a turnover of Rs. 750
India.                                                                                  crore, which would make it eligible
                                                                                        to become a scheduled bank.
Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank has takes over the
                                                                                        AK Goyal, CEO of Agrasen Bank, said,
Dadasaheb Co-operative bank                                                             “The bank aims to mobilise new ac-
                                                                                        counts and increase its deposit base
Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank has taken-over the Dadasaheb Co-operative bank             while facilitating new loans. These
of Dondaicha Ltd of Dondaicha having 12 Branches, and all branches of the               include vehicle and other business
erstwhile bank have started banking operations. Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank            loans and instant loans for women
is a member of Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI). The bank             entrepreneurs and start-ups.”
is also empanelled with UIDAI to receive Central & State Government Scheme
Benefit and has been given the membership of RTGS & NEFT recently.

BANKING FINANCE |                                                                       FEBRUARY | 2016 | 21

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