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West Bengal has the Potential to Emerge as Export                                     Exim Bank's Study high-
            Hub for the Eastern India: EXIM
                                                                                      lights Potential for En-
Exim Bank's Research Study titled, "Ex-   bank seeks to support the exporters
ports from West Bengal: Potential &       having operations in West Bengal in         hancement with CLMV
Strategy" was released by Ms. Mamata      achieving higher exports by facilitation
Banerjee, Hon'ble Chief Minister of       of market linkages through its market       Exim Bank's study on "Act East: En-
West Bengal at the Bengal Global Busi-    advisory services, which will assist in     hancing India's Engagements with
ness Summit in January. It elucidates     identifying suitable partners.              Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet-
and identifies industries which are tra-                                              nam (CLMV)" was released at the
ditionally strong in the State            Besides, the Bank would help develop        hands of Ms Nirmala Sitharaman,
and which could be further                            skills through capacity build-  Hon'ble Minister of State for Com-
strengthened, while address-                          ing workshops, help the ex-     merce & Industry (Independent
ing the challenges faced by                           porters' participation in se-   Charge), Government of India, at the
these industries. These in-                           lect trade fairs and exhibi-    3rd India-CLMV Business Conclave,
clude tea, leather, food pro-                         tions, and through research     held at Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu.
cessing, IT, hospitals, amongst others.               activities. Exim Bank would
                                                                                      The study dwells on the strategic im-
During the Summit, Exim Bank of In-       also use its strong institutional linkages  portance of CLMV countries for India.
dia and the Government of West Ben-       with USA, Singapore, Japan, Australia,      It states that in addition to the geo-
gal also entered into a Memorandum        EU, etc, and facilitate technology          graphical advantage of being located
of Understanding (MoU) where Exim         transfer to the technology-seeking en-      near fast-growing economies, CLMV
                                          terprises in West Bengal.                   countries have the advantage of hav-
                                                                                      ing access to wide ranges of markets
Exim Bank Extends Buyer's Credit under NEIA to Govt                                   through economic partnership agree-
                                                                                      ments with various countries.
of Senegal
                                                                                      Exim Bank's latest study highlights
Export-Import Bank of India has extended a Buyer's Credit                             immense opportunities for invest-
under National Export Insurance Account (NEIA) of USD                                 ments presented by CLMV countries,
69.75 mn to the Government of Senegal for financing ex-                               and noted that Indian investments in
port of vehicles from India to Senegal.                                               the CLMV region have been rela-
                                                                                      tively low, as compared to invest-
BC-NEIA is a unique financing mechanism that provides a safe mode of nonre-           ments from non-ASEAN partners, viz.
course financing option to Indian exporters and serves as an effective market         China, Japan, South Korea and the
entry tool to traditional as well as new markets in developing countries, which       United Kingdom.
need deferred credit on medium or long term basis. Exim Bank has till date
sanctioned USD 2.05 bn for 20 projects valued USD 2.25 bn.

20 | 2016 | FEBRUARY                                                                  | BANKING FINANCE

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