Page 16 - The Insurance Times February 2025
P. 16

Risk Function

          A Comparison of

          European and

          Indian Insurance

          "Risk Function"

                                                                 Sonjai Kumar                  Dr Purnima Rao
                                                                 PhD in Risk Management       Associate Professor,
                                                                 Certified Fellow of the       Fortune Institute of
                                                                 Institute of Risk          International Business,
                                                                 Management, London              New Delhi, India

           The subsequent discussion compares the key areas within the risk management function of
           insurance companies in Europe and India. These are the existence of skilled resources, issues
           related to data, whether the risk function is challenging the first line enough, whether the risk-
           based decision-making is working well......

         Background                                          the existence of CRO's veto power. Since these are the com-
                                                             mon areas we found covered in this article, for our PhD
         This article was inspired by McKinsey's report, "Elevating the
                                                             research, we have covered the entire COSO framework to
         risk function in insurance: Building a strategic advantage,"
                                                             understand the ERM practices within the Indian insurance
         published in November 2024. The article discussed the
         benchmarking survey they conducted during 2023-24. Some
         of the results discussed in this report are very similar to our
         results about the Indian risk function in the insurance sec- Comparison
         tor. Our survey was conducted during 2022-23 for PhD re-  Skilled Resources
         search. This is the first such research conducted in the In-  McKinsey's report highlights talent scarcity, both in attract-
         dian insurance market. My thoughts are in two ways: one  ing and retaining talent. The report stated that companies
         is to highlight similarities in issues found, and the second is  have difficulty finding talent for data and technology roles,
         that despite the earlier enterprise risk management (ERM)  cyber risk, and nonlife underwriting.
         development in Europe, the challenges are similar, where
         ERM in the Indian insurance market is yet to mature.

                                                                  Ì ¸ »  ·² ¬»® ª ·»© ­ « ¹ ¹ »­ ¬»¼  ¬¸ ¿¬ ­ ± ³ »
         The subsequent discussion compares the key areas within
         the risk management function of insurance companies in   ·² ­ « ® ¿² ½ »  ½ ± ³ °¿² ·»­   ·¼»² ¬·º§   ³ ¿² §
         Europe and India. These are the existence of skilled re-  ® ·­ µ ­ å ¸ ± ©»ª »®ô ­ ± ³ » º± ½ « ­  ± ²  ¬¸ » ¬± °
         sources, issues related to data, whether the risk function is
         challenging the first line enough, whether the risk-based  ï ð  ¬±  î ð  ® ·­ µ ­ ò Ì ¸ » ½ ¸ ¿´´»² ¹ » ·²
         decision-making is working well, how the relationship of the  ·¼»² ¬·º§ ·² ¹   ¬± ±   ³ ¿² §   ® ·­ µ ­   ·­   ´± ­ ·² ¹
         Chief Risk Officer (CRO) with other stakeholders, how CRO          º± ½ « ­  ± ²  µ »§  ® ·­ µ ­ ò
         is communicating the risk results in key stakeholders, and

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