Page 21 - The Insurance Times February 2025
P. 21

matters to the consumers. If a pension product is presented  or both has migrated to a higher age bracket -the reason
          as if it would guarantee the same level or desired level of  for seeking the higher premium. The rise of premium is
          lifestyle as before, it possibly would be perceived as more  based solely on the advancement of age, and no consider-
          inclusive. In that case, it would be explained through sheer  ation  is  given  to maintaining  good  health or  healthy
          consumption rather than pure investment.            behaviour. There is so much hype on technology, but even
                                                              the new-age insurance companies have been unable to shed
          The trade-off between consumption and investment needs  their deeply ingrained legacy underwriting practices. Is it
          to be better explained and explored. As a pure investment  not a travesty that a person maintaining good health, not
          product, life insurance faces many competitors. A mutual  preferring claims for years, is punished in this manner? Se-
          fund is a better investment option. Still, it cannot provide  nior citizens' health insurance products are often designed
          the protection and safety valve life insurance offers as such  with a copay of as high as 50%. Over and above, even le-
          life insurance products should highlight the consumption  gitimate claims are not paid on flimsy grounds.
          aspect alongside investment to stay afloat in the market.
          In such a scenario, an insurer will be very caring and aware  A TPA would usually disallow an expense allowed by the
          of the consumer's life cycle needs. While delivering, the in-  hospital on the score that the expense is not medically nec-
          surer is transparent and inclusive as it covers the varied  essary. The poor customer has to bear those expenses un-
          needs of your customers.                            willingly. The insurance company is highly narcissistic in its
                                                              approach - It provides senior citizens ostensibly with a health
          If 'framing' (Geneva Report) is taken care of at the product  insurance product; however, that comes at a very high cost.
          design level, then the components of care, shared interests,  They protect their claim outgo with steep copays and inter-
          and holistic, inclusive approach manifest in all such product  pret the opaque policy wordings to their advantage. The
          presentations. The choice is with the organization to use  business in this quadrant gets mired in exploitive tenden-
          autonomy to delve deeply into the psyche of insurance pur-  cies. Every business should avoid this positioning.
          chasers and understand their life cycle needs. As an insurer,
          it can't afford to be transactional. It has to build a peren-  The  fourth  quadrant  is  identified  as  'Ambivalent
          nial relationship with customers by developing products that  Behaviour' marked by two pluses, i.e., the degree of ap-
          suit their changing lifestyles and lifecycle needs.  plying rules for shared interest and holistic or inclusive ap-
                                                              proach. Still, it gets affected by two minuses, i.e., degree
          Ethical organizations always try to adopt this position and  of opaqueness and degree of apathy. The business believes
          refine their decisions to maintain this ideal position.  in shared interest and is accommodating but falsely preys
                                                              on opacity and a degree of indifference or apathy to share-
          The third quadrant is identified as 'Exploitative Tenden-  holders. A person buys motor insurance and a health insur-
          cies', with all minuses. The business relies on brute force  ance policy from the same company. To her utter surprise,
          rather than the Rule of Law. It uses its unlimited power over  she finds the treatment of misrepresentation is very differ-
          other people, often unfairly and cruelly. I will explain this  ent in both policies. In health policy - even on an innocuous
          positioning that an insurance business takes with an ex-  misrepresentation, the policy can be voided by the insurer.
          ample of health insurance for senior citizens. Senior citizens
          pay a very high premium for even a reasonable cover of 5  On the other hand, in case of misrepresentation, in motor
          to 10 lakh (reasonable in today's context). They keep pay-  policy, - she may be paid the claim even if the payment gets
          ing premium religiously every year despite their shrinking  compromised, but the policy is not voided. The different
          income. Suddenly, during a policy renewal, they are told they  treatment makes an insurer's offerings very opaque - an
          will have to pay an increased premium as high as ten thou-  ordinary insured finds it challenging to comprehend the dif-
          sand or even more without citing any reason.        ferences in both policies. This makes the insurer's position
                                                              ambivalent, with two sets of different interpretations for
          Many of them have not taken a claim in the last five years  similar policy wordings. The huge misselling in the insurance
          as they predominantly suffer from chronic diseases for which  market results from apathy or sheer inertia on the part of
          hospitalization often is not required. It may be noted here  the business (insurance) to address this imbroglio.
          that a health insurance policy is triggered only in case of
          hospitalization. Health policies hardly trigger for other kinds  The bancassurance model is a massive disappointment, with
          of institutional settings, far better suited to senior citizens.  banks indulging in misselling very high. A poor account
          On enquiry, they are sometimes informed that one of them  holder who prefers a health insurance policy through a bank

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