Page 40 - Banking Finance May 2022
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         x)  Easier Public procurement norms and minimum
             requirements to get listed as a seller (xi Patent regime
             to be simplified

         xi) Dedicated fund of Rs.2500 crore for startups, as well
             as a credit guarantee fund of Rs.500 crore rupees to
             offer a cover for loans provided by banks
         xii) Income Tax exemption for a period of the first three
             consecutive years and also exemption on capital gains
             & investments above the Fair Market Value and,
         xiii) Easy winding up on completion of seven years from the
             date of incorporation/registration and the turnover for
             any previous year exceeding Rs.25 crores and also easy
             exit from business under Insolvency and Bankruptcy
             Code (3). These and other incentives are made available
             under different schemes specially formulated for  xiii) Support for International Patent Protection in
             startups which are classified into traditional and new.  Electronics & Information Technology

         Startup Schemes:                                     xiv) Cluster Development by Khadi and Village Industries
                                                                 Commision (KVIC)
         (A)Traditional Schemes:
                                                              xv) Grant to Professional Bodies & Seminars/Symposia  in
         These schemes aim to provide funds, banking, accountancy,
         product description, overall development, legal backing,  Science & Technology
         branding, design, launching, publicity, marketing etc. These  xvi) Establishing Collaboration between R&D Academic
         schemes  are launched by different Government           institutions and Industry
         departments/sponsored organizations such as National  xvii) Grant for New-Gen Innovation and Entrepreneurship
         Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) etc. and lending    Development
         institutions including  Small Industries Development  Bank  xviii)Venture Capital Assistance Scheme for Agri-
         of India (SIDBI), National Bank for  Agriculture and Rural
         Development (NABARD) and banks. The major traditional
         schemes are meant for providing:                     xix) Stand-up India for SC/ST and Women Entrepreneurs
         i)  Support for International Patent Protection in   x)  SIDBI  Sustainable Development Projects for  Energy
             Electronics and Information Technology              Efficiency and Cleaner Production
         ii)  National Clean Energy Refinance Fund            xxi) SIDBI- Make in India for enterprise and,

         iii) Modified Special Incentive Package              xxii) Working Capital finance by banks. Details of these
         iv) Performance and Credit Rating                       schemes are available by visiting NSIC web-site (4).
         v)  Raw Material Assistance                          (B) New Schemes:
         vi) Support for Promotion of Innovation              i)  Startup India Seed Fund Scheme, 2021-  The scheme
                                                                 provides seed funding, inspire innovation, support
         vii) Entrepreneurship Development in Agro-Industry
                                                                 transformative ideas, facilitate implementation and
         viii) Coir Udyami Yojana                                undertake startup revolution. It aims to provide financial
         ix) Udaan Training Programme for Unemployed Youth of    assistance to startups upon verification of concept,
             J&K                                                 prototype development, product trials, market entry
         x)  Loan for Rooftop Solar PV Power Projects            and commercialization The scheme is expected to
                                                                 support around 3,600 startups through 300 incubators.
         xi) Dairy Entrepreneurship Development
                                                                 It is also proposed to create a corpus of Rs. 945 crore
         xii) Single Point Registration                          which will be divided over the next 4 years for providing

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