Page 37 - Banking Finance May 2022
P. 37


         cryptographic hash functions, cryptographic tokens and
         public key cryptography are names for specific, but related
         type of one way crypto graphic functions).  The main idea is
         that crypto currency uses a type of cryptography that is easy
         to compute one way, but hard to compute the other way
         without a "key" So we can say that it is easy to create a
         strong password but it is very hard for others to guess a
         strong password after it has been created.

         Cons of Crypto currency:
         1. It can be difficult to comprehend
         2. Challenges of market fluctuation
         3. No security in case of loss
         4. Cyber security issues                             banks to actively experiment with them.  Bank of England

         5. Price volatility and lack of inherent value       and the people's Bank of China have already published
                                                              statements that they will be issuing their own digital
         6. Potential shortage of resources
                                                              currency. In country such as India, where a majority of
         7. Potential mismanagement                           population still remains unbanked, financial inclusion could
                                                              emerge as one of the biggest benefit of central bank digital
         Pros                                                 currencies. Crypto currency is a viable substitute to reduce
         1. Unparalleled Transparency                         the need for cash, which is the only other retail form of
                                                              central bank money in circulation.
         2. Instant and 24- hour accessibility
         3. Absolute secrecy                                  But the RBI has a two pronged view on crypto currencies
         4. Massive potential for returns                     and has been very consistent in its messaging for several
                                                              years. On one hand it has repeatedly warned the general
         5. Short time horizon
                                                              public against investing in crypto currencies, citing concerns
         6. Increased liquidity                               over consumer protection, market integrity and money
                                                              laundering. On the other hand it has been quite welcoming
         Crypto currency An Indian Perspective:               toward block chain technology in general finding the

         Crypto currencies in Indian market can no longer be  applicability of crypto currencies. The current need is a clear
         dismissed. Several Central banks in the world are closely  articulation of what constitutes a crypto currency it
         monitoring crypto currencies to both determine regulations  considers to be problematic.
         to protect investors as well as explore their benefits in the
         context of central bank digital currencies. So there is a need  Key problem that the crypto currency community needs to
         of regulation. Crypto currencies today lack the regulatory  address by initiating a dialogue with regulators. In Dec 2013,
         safeguards that financial institutions and market have, such  RBI issued the first of several statements warning users of
         as third party audits, financial reporting and disclosure,  the risks of trading in digital currencies. India's Finance
         prevention of insider trading and proper security    Minister said in statement that people will be given
         infrastructure - all of which pose risks for the retail investor  adequate windows to experiment with block chain, bit coins
         when UN established.                                 and crypto currency. Union finance Minster Niramala
                                                              Sitharaman has said that India is not shutting off all options
         There is need of regulation regarding various aspects of  when it comes to crypto currency or block chain and fin tech.
         crypto currency like exchange, governance around issuance  She hinted that the center many not go for a blanket ban
         of new tokens, marketing etc. the potential of crypto  on digital currencies in the country. So we hope that
         currencies to make transactions and payments faster,  Government comes with good regulation which is beneficial
         cheaper and more secure has attracted several central  for all. T

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