Page 33 - Banking Finance May 2022
P. 33


         The other party who are most affected are state      produce at mutually agreed remunerative price framework
         Governments who have been generating huge revenue    in a fair and transparent manner and for matters connected
         through the Mandis ,not only with regard to this they feel  there with or incidental thereto".
         that since agriculture and markets are state subjects, the
         present Act of centre is a direct encroachment upon  If we go by the status of contract farming in India it has
         functions of states and against the co-operative federalism  been prevalent in only some states like Punjab Haryana,
         enshrined in constitution .                          Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and
                                                              Tamil Nadu. The agri-based and food industry, who are
         Most affected are Punjab and Haryana, where in More than  active in promoting contract farming as they require timely
         85% of wheat and paddy grown in Punjab, and 75% in   and adequate inputs of good quality agriculture produce.
         Haryana, is bought by the government at MSP rates. These  There were initial difficulties to the companies or sponsors
         states are also most invested in the APMC system, with a  to convince the farmers to this model and also the produce
         strong Mandi network, a well-oiled system of arthiyas or  was not as per the required quality and quantity, this led to
         commission agents facilitating procurement, and link roads  companies to think of backward linkage, where the
         connecting most villagers to the notified markets and  companies have started to provide necessary inputs like
         allowing farmers to easily bring their produce for   seeds saplings usage of modern technology regular
         procurement. The Punjab government charges a 6% Mandi  inspection of crops and provide advisory services on crop
         tax (along with a 2.5% fee for handling central procurement)  management.
         and earns annual revenue of about Rs.3500 crores from
         these charges. They also feel that there will be greater There are various advantages of contract
         impact on the development activities as the state has been  farming for the farmers such as
         spending the venue generated through this mandis for  1. They get considerable production support in addition to
         various development activities in the state.
                                                                 the supply of basic inputs such as seed and fertilizer.
                                                                 Sponsors may also provide guidance and support farmers
         The expectation of every aggrieved party with this Act is
                                                                 in land preparation, field cultivation and harvesting as
         that Government has to give confidence to them and come
         up with clear-cut guidelines that the interest of all will be  well as free training and extension.
         taken care. With regard to farmers assure them that MSP  2. Farmers access to some form of credit to finance
         will remain and such assurance if made part of the Act, will  production inputs. Arrangements can also be made with
         generate lot of confidence in them. With regard to other  commercial banks or government agencies through crop
         section such as arthiyas or commision agents, who are   loans that are guaranteed by the sponsor, i.e. where
         fearing of losing their livelihood, assurance should be given  the contract serves as collateral.
         that they will be shown some alternative or will be made to  3. Use of new production techniques which are necessary
         continue to be part of this mechanism in a better way and
         State Governments who will be losing revenue from APMC/
         Mandis have to be shown some avenue where the
         generation of income can be substituted so that the
         development of the states will not get affected.

         Another act which was brought is
         BILL 2020

         The act "to provide for a national framework on farming
         agreements that protects and empowers farmers to engage
         with agri-business firms, processors, wholesalers, exporter
         or large retailers for farm services and sale of future farming

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