Page 31 - Banking Finance May 2022
P. 31


         in previous times and black-marketing, which were the root  (ii) Fifty per cent increase in the retail price of non-
         cause for the then Government to bring the Essential    perishable agricultural food stuffs.
         Commodities Act, 1955. There were number of incidences
         in the past where the prices  of essential commodities was  Over the price prevailing immediately preceding twelve
         in rise and Government has stepped in and took measures  months, or average retail price of last five years whichever
         to control the hoarding and  export of such items and made  is less".
         the commodity available to general public at a reasonable
         or affordable price.                                 With the above amendments to the Essential Commodities
                                                              (Amendment) act, 2020 it is pretty clear that Government
         In the economy survey 2019-20 presented by the Chief  wants to give the corporate players a greater scope in
         Economic Adviser Mr.K V Subramanian. It was expressed  building the agriculture infrastructure and also give more
         that "The Indian economy is replete with examples where  freedom in dealing with the agriculture produce. This can
         Government intervenes even if there is no risk of market  be viewed as a big opportunity for agriculture sector, but
         failure, and in fact, in some instances its intervention has  may create a situation wherein this may give rise in
         created market failures".                            corporate monopoly in dictating the prices of these
                                                              commodities as they have resources and machinery to build
         The Survey has also expressed that the measures to control  facilities to hold the stock as there is no restriction in storage
         stocks and prices of essential commodities like vegetables,  as per the present amendment.
         pulses and medicines had unintended effects like market
         distortions and price hikes of these products. It also has been  The Government has come up with another
         felt that the main purpose for which Essential Commodities  act -
         Act, 1955 was brought in to see that the poor get
         commodities at reasonable prices and restrict hoarding, but  THE FARMERS'PRODUCE TRADE AND COMMERCE
         this resulted in creating market distortions that have (PROMOTION AND FACILITATION) ACT, 2020
         prevented the efficient development of agricultural markets.  The Act is about "to provide for the creation of an
                                                              ecosystem where the farmers and traders enjoy their
         The recent incidents where restrictions were imposed in  freedom of choice relating to sale and purchase of farmers'
         holding stock limits to prevent hoarding of Onions due to  produce which facilitates remunerative prices through
         rise in prices in September, 2019 had limited success, as there  competitive alternative trading channels; to promote
         was no effect in controlling the prices. There is also a view  efficient, transparent and barrier-free inter-state and intra-
         point that with the imposition of limits of stock that a  state trade and commerce of farmers 'produce outside the
         producer or wholesaler can store has discouraged     physical premises of markets or deemed markets notified
         investment in warehousing and storage facilities, which  under various State agricultural produce market legislations;
         could otherwise be very effective method of overall
         development in rural areas.

         The above incidents might be some of the reasons which
         have definitely promoted the Government in coming up with
         recent amendment to the Essential Commodities Act ,2020
         and the new amendment has also  made a distinction
         between the hoarders and the firms that genuinely need to
         hold the stock for further processing  or adding value. The
         act has also made it clear that "any action on imposing stock
         limit shall be based on price rise and an order for regulating
         stock limit of any agriculture produce may be issued under
         this Act only if there is -
         (i) Hundred per cent increase in the retail price of
             horticultural produce or

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