Page 46 - Banking Finance May 2022
P. 46


         Its applicability extends to  whole of India, and       country or foreign entity (includes company,
         also applies to                                         corporations, trusts, societies or other associations of
                                                                 individuals registered in foreign country);
         a. Citizens of India who are outside India.
                                                              g. A foreign trust or foreign foundation and includes trust
         b. Associate branches or subsidiaries, outside India, of
                                                                 or foundation mainly financed by a foreign country and;
             companies or bodies corporate, registered or
             incorporated in India.                           h. Citizen of a foreign country.
                                                              i.  Foreign Trade Union, Society, Club or Other Association.
         Foreign Contribution means donation, delivery,
         or transfer made by any foreign source of:-          Note: Amount received from a non-resident Indian citizen
                                                              in foreign currency, would not be treated as foreign source.
         a. Any article other than personal gifts of market value
             not exceeding such sum as may be specified by the  Restrictions on Accepting FC
             Central Government.
                                                              The person having a definite cultural, economic,
         b. Any currency whether Indian or foreign.
                                                              educational, religious or social programme can
         c.  Any security including foreign security.
                                                              accept FC, only if:
         This will also cover:                                a. It is registered with the Central Government under this
                                                                 Act or takes prior permission before receiving each
         a. Contribution received from any person who has in turn
             received it from a foreign source
                                                              b. It receives FC only through one designated bank
         b. Interest accrued on FC deposited in the bank
         However, any amount received, by any person from any  c.  Central Government is kept intimated as to the amount,
         foreign source in India, by way of fee (including fees charged  source and manner in which FC was received and
         by an educational institution in India from foreign student)  utilised.
         or towards cost in lieu of goods or services rendered by such
         person in the ordinary course of business, trade or Prior Permission
         commerce, whether within India or outside India, shall be  a. Application for prior approval to be made in Form FC 4.
         excluded from the definition of foreign contribution.
                                                              b. Prior approval to be donor specific, done specific and
                                                                 purpose specific.
         Foreign Source includes
         a. Government of any foreign country or any agency of  Registration of the Association
             such government;
                                                              a. Application for registration shall be submitted
         b. Any international agency except United Nations or any  electronically in Form FC 3. Duly signed hard copy of the
             of its specialised agencies, World Bank, International  same along with relevant documents is also to be
             Monetary Fund or such other agency as the Central   submitted within 30 days.
             Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
                                                              b. Registration granted shall be valid for 5 years from the
                                                                 date of its issue.
         c.  Foreign company;
                                                              c.  Application for renewal to be made in Form FC 5, six
         d. Corporation, other than foreign company, incorporated  months before the date of expiry of the certificate
             outside India;
                                                              d. Act provides that registration may be granted, ordinarily
         e. A multinational corporation;                         within 90 days from the date of receipt of application,

         f.  A company where more than 50% of its share capital is  however practical experience is that the process takes
             held by a foreign government or citizens of a foreign  much longer.

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