Page 47 - Banking Finance May 2022
P. 47


         e. The Ministry of Affairs has introduced a new facility  Total Ban on Acceptance of Foreign
             "FCRA - Online" to facilitate associations to file their
             applications for registration and submit statutory forms  Contribution & Hospitality
             online. Refer                 Ban relating to FC applies to
                                                              a. Candidate for election;
         Accounts & Audit                                     b. Correspondent, columnist, cartoonist, editor, owner,
         Maintenance of accounts                                 printer or publisher of a registered newspaper;
         a. Accounts to be maintained on yearly basis from April to  c.  Government servant, judge or employee of any
             March.                                              Government corporation;
         b. Every person receiving FC shall maintain an account of  d. Member of any Legislature;
             any FC received and its utilisation.
                                                              e. Political party or office-bearer thereof
             i.  Income & expenditure statement, receipt &
                                                              f.  Organisation of political nature;
                 payment account and balance sheet are to be
                 prepared exclusively in respect of the FC received.  g. Association or company engaged in production or
             ii.  Details in Form FC 7 to be maintained where FC  broadcast of audio news or audio visual news or current
                                                                 affairs programmes through any electronic mode or
                 relates to articles.
             iii. Details in Form FC 8 to be maintained where FC
                                                              h. Correspondent or columnist, cartoonist, editor, owner
                 relates to foreign security.
                                                                 of the above association or company.
         Designated bank account
         a. FCRA funds can be received and held only in the Ban does not apply to FC received by way of:
             designated bank account.                         a. Salary, wages or other remuneration, or
         b. Besides the designated bank account, operational  b. Payment in ordinary course of international trade or
             accounts in one or more banks may be opened for the  commerce, or
             limited purpose of utilising the foreign contribution. Such  c.  Payment received by an agent of a foreign source in
             accounts are commonly referred to as field accounts.
                                                                 relation to any transaction made by such foreign source
             In such cases, intimation on plain paper shall be   with the State or Central Government, or
             furnished to the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs.
                                                              d. Gift or presentation made to a member of any Indian
         c.  Designated or field accounts are strictly prohibited from  Delegation, provided the same is in conformity with the
             receiving non-FC funds.
                                                                 rules framed by the Central Government in this regard,
         d. Interest earned out of FC funds should be deposited in  or
             designated bank account.                         e. Gift from relative. Gifts exceeding Rs. 1,00,000 per

         Audit                                                   annum requires intimation to the Central Government
                                                                 in Form FC-1 within 30 days from date of receipt of such
         a. Income & Expenditure account, Receipts & Payment
                                                                 gift, or
             account and Balance Sheet, with report in Form FC 6
             duly certified by a CA to be submitted to Home Ministry  f.  Any scholarship, stipend or any payment of like nature,
             before 31st of December immediately following the end  or
             of financial year.                               g. Remittance received in ordinary course of business
         b. Form FC 6 to give details of each contribution received,  through official channels.
             the source, manner of receipt, purpose of receipt and
             manner of utilisation.                           And Foreign Hospitality
         c.  Even Nil report has to be submitted.             a. Member of Legislature or office-bearer of political party

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