Page 13 - The Insurance Times July 2020
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three years if the premium remains  ment and terms and conditions of a  tal and the hotel where the patient is
         unchanged for the tenure.          policy contract."                  put up," he said.
         While pricing the policies on the basis  In another case, a patient from Kolkata  Rupak Barua, group CEO of AMRI Hos-
         of age and health risk-factors, which  said: "In my case, there is no mistake  pitals and president of the Association
         has been the practice, the premium  on the part of the hospital. My wife  of Hospitals of Eastern India, welcomed
         cannot be changed for one year in the  and I had Covid-like symptoms and we  the IRDA move. "A large number of
         case of renewable polices and three  got the test done, which came posi-  Covid patients do not need hospital ad-
         years for the rest of the categories  tive. When my wife's condition was  mission. Many of them are opting for
         (long-term).                       deteriorating, we admitted her to VP  the satellite facilities where they are
                                            Poddar Hospital." He further said: "The  living in home-like conditions but under
         To facilitate innovation, the regulator  doctor advised that I should also get  regular monitoring by a medical team.
         has asked insurers to design pilot prod-  admitted since my condition was seri-  The bill paid at these facilities is part of
         ucts that can be offered for a period  ous too. We paid Rs. 50,000each. We  the cost of treatment and we are happy
         not extending five years after due ap-  received a message from the insurance  that the IRDA has recognised this and
         proval. It can either be made a regu-  firm that our claim was received.  given its approval," he said.
         lar product afterwards or withdrawn
         on the basis of valid reasons.     My wife was shifted to an ICU and was  IRDAI permits modifica-
                                            closely monitored. We both got dis-
                                            charged on July 18." He said the insur- tion of group insurance
         IRDAI mulls action on Hos-         ance company, however, rejected both  policies

         pitals if they deny cashless       their claims on the grounds that they  IRDAI has permitted life insurers to
         treatment                          could have been treated at home.   modify the terms of 'Group Credit Life
         IRDAI has warned network hospitals  Covid patients in satellite       Master Policies' of entities who have
         against denying cashless treatment to                                 availed moratorium on repayment of
         Covid-19 patients.IRDAI said it had re-  hospital facilities to get in-  loans announced by the Reserve Bank
         ceived several complaints in this re-  surance cover                  in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.
         gard. In one recent incident in Kolkata  Covid patients who seek treatment at  The life insurers, according to IRDAI,
         Covid patient was asked to transfer to  makeshift satellite hospital facilities, in-  are allowed to "suitably modify the
         another hospital if he was unable to  cluding hotels, will now get insurance  term and sum assured under the
         deposit money in cash.  Similarly in a  cover, IRDAI has confirmed. All existing  schemes, against the additional pre-
         complaint filed with IRDAI, an IT pro-  health policies will admit such insurance  mium as may be required, so that they
         fessional said that her mother infected  claims. Earlier, only the newly introduced  may continue to be covered as per the
         with the virus was denied cashless  Covid Kavach policy had this facility.  revised loan repayment schedule."
         treatment. "We acted on the com-                                      This facility, however, will be available
         plaint, spoke to the hospital authori-  All leading private hospitals in kolkata,  to only those entities which have opted
         ties and ensured that the family   including Apollo, AMRI, Bellevue, Wood-  for moratorium in terms of RBI's an-
         availed cashless treatment," IRDAI  lands, Narayana Super Speciality, ILS,  nouncement with regard to repayment
         general manager (consumer affairs) TS  Desun and Medica, have set up satellite  of loans. "The modification shall be
         Naik told TOI.                     facilities or tied up with hotels to func-  limited to the extent required to en-
                                            tions as satellite units to house mildly
         In a statement, IRDA said: "We are                                    sure that the coverage under the
         aware of reports that some hospitals  symptomatic Covid patients so as to free  scheme matches the revised loan re-
         are not granting cashless facility for  up hospital beds for the more critical  payment schedule," IRDAI said in a cir-
         treatment of Covid19 despite having  ones. About 75% of the over 200 hotel  cular. The coverage for the extended
         arrangements with insurers. We have  rooms attached to these hospitals are  period will have to be priced on the
         also come to know that some of these  already occupied, and the IRDA's latest  same terms as the original cover, IRDAI
         hospitals are demanding cash deposits  circular comes as a huge relief to patients  said. Life insurance companies had ap-
         from policyholders. All hospitals that  availing themselves of this service.  proached the regulator to permit them
         entered into agreements with insur-  According to Sunil Parakh, CEO of Heri-  to make certain modifications in Group
         ance firms will have to provide cashless  tage TPA, hotel rooms will be treated  Credit Life Master Policies issued by
         facility for any treatment, including  as extensions of hospitals. "The billing  them so as to align the cover available
         Covid-19, to the policyholders in accor-  has to be done by hospitals and there  under such schemes with the revised
         dance with provisions of the agree-  should be an MoU between the hospi-  loan repayment schedule. T

                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2020 13
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