Page 30 - The Insurance Times July 2020
P. 30

perils, it would appear unlikely that this  being bought by customers. Buying new policies where insurers need to carry
         virus is a covered event, in the existing  out medical tests are taking time and have slowdown. No more new policy
         policy coverages. It's possible that the  issuance for NRIs or those with recent travel history. So, overall, insurance industry
         virus could be more material for the  has been hit from many directions.
         nonlife sector than life because of
         potential claims from travel and                    All Life Insurance Companies
         business interruption insurance. Event                First Year Premium (Rs. cr)
         cancellation would be one potential
         area for claims for international                             Feb 20     %       FY 20 till    YoY (%)
         insurers and reinsurers."                                                        Feb 20
                                             Group Single Premium      8,646.46   2.4     1,06,722.88   17.97
         Life Insurance at this              Individual Non-Single     5,801.37   1.15    64,615.15     48.56
         backdrop of Corona:                 Premium
                                             Individual Single         2,875.09   -36.93  28,958.34     7.65
         There is a lot of room for improvements
         in our life style if we act appropriately.  Premium
         Those actions include testing for the  Group Non-Single       560.51     3.64    27,373.3      1,838.3
         virus, tracing contacts, and reducing  Premium
         human interactions by stopping mass  Group Yearly Renewable   326.06     334.51  5,817.53      47.94
         gatherings, absolute working from   Premium
         home and curbing travel. All schools  Grand Total             18,209.5   1.78    23,3487.2     31.75
         and colleges are closed, sports events
         were halted or delayed, Broadway   Source : IRDAI
         theaters went dark, companies barred
         employees from going to the office and  Life Insurance Sector stares at this ever-increasing death claim trend. Now, let
         most people said they were following  us look at how the insurance industry is dealing with Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-
         hygiene recommendations on the     19. Besides the loss of new business premium, the industry is watching at a
         principle of 'Stay Home - Stay Safe'.  challenge of increased death claims. Though government has acted proactively
                                            and gone for a complete lockdown of 68 days even before the number of death
         A year which could have been       toll increased to surpass the figures of France, Italy to achieve the fifth position
         astounding year for life insurance  in the World.
         industry in terms of business premium
         augmentation is suddenly staring at a  However, given the initial signs of community spread becoming evident and the
         situation where matching the last  size of the country, nothing can be taken for granted. It would be too early at
         year's premium figure seems an     this stage to comment on exponential increase in death claims in life insurance.
         intimidating challenge. Last three  If India is able to effectively control the spread, then, there could be lesser impact
         months of FY 2020-21 have          on life insurance claims. The next two months are very crucial, as India has tried
         traditionally been the months which  to take a whole hearted step at early stage of the disease the chances of higher
         witnessed highest compilation for the  death rate and vividly going for more & more Covid-19 tests.
         Life Industry. Life insurance sector
         collected 17.4 per cent and 15.04 per  The threat still remains. Talking about life insurance policies, a number of
         cent premiums in the month of the  establishments will continue to honour the claims on existing policies however;
         March in FY18 and FY19, respectively.  the cost of future policies will witness a steep surge and the number of policies
                                            that provide complete coverage might see a fall. There have also been some
         Now given the lockdown in critical  proactive steps taken by the industry on product innovation front. "IRDAI has
         second half of March, premium      asked insurers to come up new need-based products for coronavirus, and for
         collection is bound to suffer      which, a few insurers have come up with such need-based specific products to
         significantly. "Impact is huge because  cater to the current requirements.
         most of the places are now under
         lockdown. Because of flight        Latest entrant Corona Covered Policies are 'Defined benefit-based products'
         cancellations, travel policies are not  where the benefit is paid on occurrence of the event and no bills are required.

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